Hi this is me!
An Elder fellow introduced me to Steemit while I was taking a course online. This intro post is literally just that, a way for me to introduce myself to the community.
I come from a small town in sunny South Florida, and as to be expected I enjoy all things outdoors.
Continue reading to find out more about me..
I come from a small town in sunny South Florida, and as to be expected I enjoy all things outdoors.
Continue reading to find out more about me..

I am:
- 25 Years of age
- The owner of a 3 year old Dwarf Rabbit
- A student of Web Development
- A wandering Photographer
- And an amateur Editor
Here is just a piece of my recent work

So the reason for being here today is to show my creative and artistic side with my photography. I will be adding photos that I have taken from my travels and even from my home. Expect to see many different perspectives as I like to explore sites that most people would consider uncomfortable to explore.
Anywho I also command my photos to be taken with a Canon Rebel T-something. I have had this reliable piece of plastic booty for a year now and I cannot complain as it has gotten me through many photographer hardships. I also am very lazy so I got myself a lens that can zoom out to a maximum of 200 meters.

Let's get Funky, Follow my Social!
Instagram: @justland.jpg
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appics-introduce (-14)(1) 4 years ago
Dear @mcpegasus
APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱