
They frown upon having multiple accounts. Since we need a cell phone number for verification, how do we get a 2nd account except to buy one? There is a method for buying accounts but it DOES cost real money. 15 steem I think. That's more than half of what I own.

I have a favour to ask of you. Would you mind scrolling way down to the bottom (its not that far since I don't have a lot of posts) of my blog page and find the 2nd up from the bottom. It should be my video of how to self-manipulate your back. I won't get paid for any upvotes because its older than 7 days, but so many people I know have back problems and this technique could help them. Would you mind copying and pasting the link into a new post (there is no longer the option to resteem after pay-day) and promoting it to your followers? I can't believe that this video is not going viral because it really works for so many people, yet they don't share it with anyone. They just heal themselves and keep it to themselves. I believe that good things need to be shared.

absolutely will.

I cannot find that re-post on your blog. I was looking for 1 of the 2 images we discussed. Did I miss it?

hello @happyme thank you for your comment. i have not yet made the post. i will do so asap. i am feeling a little lost, as i have accidentally deleted my MAIN password. so i have gone through step one of Recover Account. am now waiting for password. it was lucky i kept my previous MAIN passwords, otherwise i could not have even started the recover account process.

** Oh NO!!!**
I hope it all goes smoothly.
Perhaps document the process for a tutorial so others will have an idea what it is like to do a recovery?

yes, that is a good idea. cheers happyme. i will follow your example and stay happy instead of lost.

Much appreciated. I just love sharing and helping people.

cool. can you give me some wording on how to share this? or do you just want me to do my best?

I don't know... I'm not good at self-promotion.
How about something like:
Why suffer from back pain when you don't have to?

maybe use that for the title

Then in the body say something like:
I saw this post and it got very few views, but I believe it can help a lot of people who are suffering needlessly so I'm resteeming it for more people to benefit from it. After all, who likes to suffer for nothing? If you find it helpful, please pass it on to your friends and followers so that they too can end their suffering.

But ultimately it is your resteem, so you are free to say anything you want.

ok, thank you,

  1. can i put a link to your post?
  2. is there any way that i can somehow make it that you earn from my post?
  3. o , i know. i can say, any earnings, i will send to you?

is this you in the video?

can i just copy your whole post?

I bet that would be considered plagerism and get you downvoted. Better to just use a link.