Perkenalan Diri (Self Introduction)
Hai Sahabat Steemit!
Hi Steemit Friends!
Biarkan saya memperkenalkan diri, Nama saya Mandani, saya berasal dari Aceh, saya lahir di Muara Batu, 05 Desember 1994, saya lulusan tahun 2016 Diploma (D3) Teknik Kimia, Prodi Migas di Universitas Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe.
Saya memiliki seorang saudara yang masih di bangku sekolah menengah atas, namanya Suhendar. Saya pikir dia orang yang pandai dalam hal bergaul dan berdagang, hobinya saya rasa badminton, sama modifikasi motor.
Lalu hobi saya, saya suka bermain Badminton, membaca, mendengar musik, dan mengendarai sepeda bersama teman –teman sambil mengambil gambar – gambar bagus di tempat kunjungan kami.
Sekian dari saya, saya harap bisa jadi teman yang baik bagi sahabat steemit sekalian.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Mandani, I come from Aceh, I was born in Muara Batu, December 05th, 1994, I graduated in 2016 Diploma (D3) Chemical Engineering, Oil and Gas Program at Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic University.
I have a brother who is still in high school, his name is Suhendar. I think he's a clever person in terms of getting along and trading, his hobbies I think is badminton, same motor modifications.
Then my hobby, I like to play Badminton, reading, listening to music, and riding bikes with friends while taking good pictures at places we visit.
All of me, I hope to be a good friend to my friend steemit.
Terimakasih atas waktunya!
Thank you for your time!
Salam kenal
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