new to steemit

Heller, I am Loralee a stay at home mother of two children. I will be finally getting married after 12 long years of love, on September 16th. I cant wait for this new chapter in our life. I really enjoy the outdoors, and making positive changes in my life. I just recently lost about 20 pounds, making some dietary and physical changes to my every day life. Making those positive changes have brought so much excitement for the world, and for the moments where I can actually doing things with my kids as a family such as being able to hike the Basin in Fraconia, NH. 

We all know that being a stay at home  mom can be hard at times, so lets all get together a blog about everyday mother hood with our children! Lets blog about some positive changes you have made in you life, and comment on some ideas in which someone may needs some positive encouragement. 


Hello Loralee, Welcome to Steemit. You'll fit in nicely here :)
And congratulations on losing 20 pounds, Weight loss can be really hard, You must be very proud.

I am super proud, I have been doing Cize class with my best friend. I love it!!

Welcome! Congrats on the upcoming wedding and weight loss!

The Basin in NH? That's crazy I just posted a bunch of pictures from there! Welcome to steemit