Greetings Steemians,
my name is Jan.
Image source: My iPhone 6.
Originally from Czech republic.
Image source: Pixabay
I live now in Berlin, Germany.
Image source: Pixabay
I work in the real estate business.
Image source: Pixabay
(If you look for a property in Berlin, let me know)
I think Steemit is a great idea. We can actually create a better currency
(much better than the Rotschilds bad money)
Well done to the creators @Dan and @Ned.
I hope that I can contribute valuable content
to this great community.
Thank you guys for reading :-)
Have a great week
Very well done intro post. Welcome to steemit! Looks like today is a fairly slow day here, so don't let today's results be a measure of things to come. Good luck
Thank you gringalicious :-)
Welcome on Steemit :-)
Vielen Dank Lichtblick!
Welcome to steemit @lionelmessi

from your steemit name i guess you are
Wish you the best , steemit on
Thank you Araki
I wanted to be footbal player as I was young. It did not worked out for me.
Lionel is good :-)
Welcome to steemit Jan! Indeed if we all work together we can make a better currency system :)
Thanks justtryme90!
We will do.
Welcome to Steemit! :))
Thank you Pilgrimtraveler!
A warm welcome to you @lionelmessi