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RE: Introduce Yourself: Mandy M., Creative Writing Coach

Welcome to Steemit! I love editors :)

I'm finishing a doctoral degree and wouldn't have survived without good editors. I have no doubt that my editor helped my papers go up a whole letter grade. Thankfully I'm in the last stage. I submitted the first two chapters of my dissertation and am working on the third chapter. Aim to be done by June. Can't wait.

BTW, let me know if you have any questions about Steemit. Glad to help. Been on for a few months, but only taking it seriously the last few weeks. Cheers.


Thanks for the welcome, leaderinsights! What are you getting your doctorate in? Exciting that you are nearing the finish line! I hope you enjoy the next few months of the process! I will check out your posts. Cheers!

Sounds good. Thanks.

I'm doing a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. In this program, you submit two chapters at a time. It then goes to a content editor and then a style editor. Funny enough, I just got an email where I got flagged for "plagiarising." The editor said I had taken content from my personal blog and that I needed to cite it. I didn't realize I had to cite my own blog. They said it's not a big deal but to cite it and then send back :)

Wow! Two chapters at a time sounds like a good pace. Funny that you are having to cite your own blog! But cool that you can recycle some material for your dissertation ;) I hope working with your two editors has been a pleasant experience!