Hello steemians! ... Here K@thetru ;) #IntroduceYourself
Well, here I am publishing my first post, which has been quite a challenge jeje! You know, I guess that sometimes it´s easier to write about something or someone than ourselves; but when you dare to, you can realize how much yo have to love and care about yourself, being grateful to god for all the wonderful blessings he has given to you and the person you've become.

And know, without further ado, my name is Katheryne Trujillo. I´m XX years old jajaja!. It´s a common fact in my country to joke about age; There´s and old saying: "You cannot ask a woman´s real age". But, I'm going to do an exception with you guys! ;) . I'm 33 years old, I´m from Venezuela and I was born in "La tierra del Sol Amado" Maracaibo. I'm a responsible, proactive, perseverant and a tenacious dreamer person. I'm a professor, investigator and I speak French, English and of course Spanish as my mother language.
With all the technological boom, the investigation through networks and databases has turned into my passion. However, I still keep the sweet practice of reading a good book with the company of a tasty cup of coffee ("un marroncito caliente"). I consider, It´s good to have all of these tech' advantages, but we should never left behind all of those life experiences that daily feed our being and our essence as human beings, and in one way or another It contribute our growing.
I knew about Steemit thanks to my bro', He motivated me to join this entrepreneurs' community. He explains me all about the network, and I have to confess, I loved it!, because It's satisfactory to publish and share about trending topics that actually can help people around the world and earn some money at the same time; beside this plattform, allows you to establish professional and friendly links with the entire community, called "the steemians".
Summarizing, I can tell you that I love to give myself the opportunity to know new things, not only in a professional way, but in everything I could dream. Dreaming allows you to feed the hope, and to see opened doors like never before, having significant life experiences, no matter the storm you're getting through.
To finish and although, I know It sounds cliche, always keep this in mind: "Trust in god, trust in you all the time", learning to be happy no matter the situation you´re coming through. Such is life, with ups and downs, but never let you in the same place. The decision to go on is yours!, It´s in your hands. "Time and opportunity is for everyone". Take the chances!.
Bye Bye! See you in my next post! =)
welcome. . . !
Thank you! =)
thank you for joining @steemit , i hope you'll be loving it
Thank you I'm sure I will ;)
Hi Katheryne,
Welcome to Steemit. The official FAQ can be found here and is quite extensive https://steemit.com/faq.html
Thanks a lot for the detailed introduction about your interests. You seem to be a very jolly person. A big upvote for you.
I am a trip leader based in Mumbai.
Thanks for your advice and your vote. Wow Mumbai! nice to meet you.
@Kathetru, Wecome to Steemit!!!
thanks. :)
Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and I love your big smile and love for life and you are beautiful and I am 33 years old too.
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