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RE: Greetings from Moldova!

Thank you very much!

I don't know about being a producer, but it means a lot, coming from someone who actually can play... SOME instruments she says :D. I can barely play piano, and that I started this summer, learned Fur Elise just to prove to me that I can If I want it bad enough. Besides that I mostly suck. I think playing instruments is great. I hope to follow your steps in the future. I noticed just now that you have a YT channel, I will definitely check it out later tonight.

Hmmm, I don't think I have a favorite book, but there are some that had a bigger impact on me than others, but again depends on the topic. But I have to admit that I enjoyed very much Machiavelli's book (Il Principe).
If a certain topic interests you, I might give you a recommendation if I'm familiar with it. I've read books from topics as varied as Poker, Politics, Economy, NLP, Philosophy, psychology, body language, music theory, sleep, investing, I even read 2 cancer related books recently lol.
I tend focus on technical books or books where the author is analyzing certain topic or ideas. Books that have a highly pragmatical impact for me. By that I don't imply that novels can't be pragmatic, but I didn't finish a novel my whole life, tried one that my gf recommended to me but gave up after 300 pages :D

I discovered Steemit by accident. Fell in love with it because of people like you. And have to admit that I didn't have time to write something serious some time already. But I try to spend at least half an hour interacting with people like you, which is always a pleasure. Have met already a few amazing persons that way, and It looks I might be onto something here again))
I hope to write more in the future, I'd be thrilled if I'd do 3 posts of a somewhat "good quality" a week, but we'll see about that :D

Anyways, I will definitely check your YT channel later.
Best of luck to you and happy Steeming!!!

PS: What is your favorite book? If it's a novel tho', there's a small chance that I will touch it.