Hello Steemit! Introduce Myself :)

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)




Hai, bagaimana kabar steemians, hari ini saya ingin bergabung dengan
steemit dan saya ingin mengenalkan diri saya pada steemit. tolong bantu teman-teman saya
membantu saya berharap teman-teman steemians ingin mendukung saya,

Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri. nama saya kachful. Saya lahir di lhokseumawe, propinsi aceh pada tanggal 19 Januari 1999.

Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa arsitektur universitas malikussaleh.

Ini adalah tulisan pertamaku yang ditulisan kali ini aku hanya mau Untuk memperkenalkan diri.

Saya pikir ini perlu untuk memastikan bahwa ini adalah akun asli saya.

Saya tidak menyangka bahwa saya akan mengenali platform steemit ini. Ini juga karena di kota saya sedang booming dengan platform ini.


Tentang Hobi Saya

Aku benar-benar tidak bisa membayangkan hidupku tanpa menggambar, Mendengarkan musik,
dan perjalanan pasti hidup saya sangat membosankan, hehe. Ya benar, hobi saya menggambar, tentang seni, dan musik.

Tentang steemit saya belum banyak tau tentang kegunaan steemit .

sebelumnya saya memohon dukungan teman teman stemian untuk mendukung dan mengajari hal hal yang membantu saya untuk
lebih maju di steemit :)



Hi, how are you steemians friends, today I want to join with
steemit and I want to introduce myself to steemit. please help my friends
help me hope my steemians friends want to support me,

I want to introduce myself. my name is kachful. I was born in lhokseumawe, aceh province on 19 January 1999.
This is my first article written this time I just want To introduce myself.

I think it's necessary to make sure this is my original account.


About My Hobbies

I really can not imagine my life without drawing, Listening to music,
and the trip must be my life is very boring, hehe. Yeah right, my hobby is drawing, about art, and music.

About steemit I do not know much about the usefulness of steemit,
I previously requested the support of my stemian friends to support and teach the things that helped me to
more advanced in steemit :)

thank you for visiting my blog. hopefully can be useful for all of you, Follow me and help me build my Art @kachful19


Welcome to Steemit! You are going to love it here :)
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Welcome :D

Hello! Welcome to Steemit.

In order to prevent identity theft, identity deception of all types, and content theft we like to encourage users that have an online identity, post for a website or blog, are creators of art and celebrities of all notoriety to verify themselves. Verified users tend to receive a better reception from the community.

Any reasonable verification method is accepted. Examples include:

  • A post or tweet on an established Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media account with a link to your contribution on Steemit.
  • A reference or link to your Steemit account on your website or blog.


Thank you!


thx for sharing

congratulations to join my dear friend @kachful19 hopefully you feel at home and succeed in media steemit platform. This medium is where we learn how to post professionally and freely from plagiarim. Where steemit is very demanding us to be sportsmanship in sharing all sorts of news, which happens in our daily lives. Congratulate our friends, send us all that benefits us on the steemit platform. follow @ munawar1

Welcome to Steem @kachful19 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Hi. Welcome here on steeemit. Are you a Painter and a Computer graphic designer?

yes i am a painter and a graphic designer, but i am still in the learning stage @alex-yves

okay. learning stage in painting or in graphic design?

@kachful19 Wonderful put up And that i desire steemit experienced a sticky or pin selection due to the fact That is a type of Specific posts. Resteemed.

selamat kachful, akhirnyaaaaaa..!!1

hahahaa terimaksih kawan atas bimbingan nya @azissuloh