Greetings! I'm Jonathan and I'm Unplugging from the Matrix
@justyou is trying out anarchy for a spin
Photo Reel
We have been talking for years about the applications of blockchain technology and its disruptive power. The time is rife with opportunities to co-create open-sourced real-world use case scenarios for BitCoin and Steemit. I’m done talking so I’m putting my life on the line to prove that we don’t have to live by most of society's rules any longer. Wath as I teach myself how to live off the grid using crypto-currencies to supply my living without having the physical addresses and legal complications of normalized society. More concretely, I will be living in my car, moving as I please through Chicago and the greater Chicagoland and blogging my whole experiences to help and inspire others to do the similar thing with their own lives. I will be living off the electrical grid but more importantly the sociopolitical grid we are told is the right option and in fact the only option. I will attempt to maintain a crypto-anarchal way of living for a period of five months to bring awareness to volunteerism, crypto-technology, anarchy and the sheer financial power that Steemit has with its widespread adoption! Let’s change the world together!
The Setup
While I am not going to be completely off the grid, I will do as much as I can and learn how to deal with the limitations that come with such early forays into a new way of living. Here is a basic list of tools that I am using to begin my journey;
- 2009 Subaru Impreza w/ 4w drive and about 80,000 miles on it.
- Portable inflatable thermal pad bought at a camping store,
- Blankets,
- Sheets
- pillows.
- Toiletries
- Water!!!!! Lots of it.
- Protein shakes
- Meal bars
- Quality multi-vitamins
- Portable gas stove
- Gas cannister
- Portable pot
- DC Power Inverter
- Iphone 6s
- Sub $200 Samsung Chromebook
- headphones
- Bluetooth speaker
- Fidget spinners
- Laundry With bags for clean and dirty clothes
- Ganja and plenty of tobacco
- Dope little road dog!!!
So why am I doing this? It isn’t like I’m dumping my life or trying to make money. I actually love my life! I own my own business that markets everyday products for low prices online. I have a few really good friends and business partners who are constantly helping me to think bigger and make more money. I’m poised to become quite wealthy with my online business if I work with my team. I do love that stuff. But this is way cooler! Blockchain technology is about to make some major moves this year and I want to be a part of it. Not only that but I want to spread the word and join a growing movement. I want to change the world!!! I want to go viral and spread the word and educate people about cryptocurrency. Join me! DM me on Steemit chat @justyou and I will upvote and resteem it if we are on the same wavelength!
Why Live in a Car?
I am choosing to pursue this experiment with a home on wheels. This allows me to take advantage of free or cheap resources that society already provides and avoid the cops and government made possible by a physical address. I have done this before and a certain rhythm develops where you know when it’s time to move. I sleep in Wal-Mart parking lots which is legal (not that I give a fuck) and extremely safe; I take showers in truck stops and; I earn Steem for blogging about how to do this. The versatility of a mobile lifestyle allows me to live in the safest areas that the Chicagoland has to offer without the ridiculous rent and home prices. I can always cut my losses and move back into my apartment which is a 30 minute drive from where I am now and the lease for which goes until august. I am determined to show the world that this type of lifestyle is possible and by open-sourcing and sharing the entire experience, I hope to spark public discussion and a movement around teaching each other how to unplug from the matrix, even in a large city.
How do I know you’ll follow through?
If you’re not convinced by my punk ass attitude, I will be using all of the steam from this post to buy a GoPro camera and a car mount so I can provide the highest quality content for you guys. Also if y’all could get me an android phone and one of you hackers tell me how I can hack the phone to spoof my location that would be greaaaat!!! I will be Steeming (ew…) on a daily basis keeping everyone up to date on my experiences and techniques!!
But wait!!!!
Don’t go out and get in your car right now! Here’s some things you might want to know before copying me.
You cannot and I repeat CANNOT pull this off unless you are in a great place emotionally or you are so unbelievably determined that you fucking will pull it off no matter what. I wish I could stress this more. If you are trying to escape your life because poor you the government is making you woo woo, then you will end up just creating the same life you had before except this time you will live in a car and trust me on this one, if you don’t know how to do it properly, living in a car sucks phallus. Do not do this unless you wade your way into this lifestyle slowly piece by piece and have a basic idea of what you’re doing. Deal with your emotional baggage, then try to save the world. Heroes are not made by circumstance. Circumstance makes heroes. Be the hero of your own circumstances.Theeeeen try this shit out. Or do it however you want to. I don’t fucking care! ;P
Now thaaat’s over with here are the goods.
Body Hack #1
This is what I’ve found out so far. First off eliminate as much stress in your life as possible. This might not make sense but listen: Most people love being stressed out but if you’re reading this, you probably don’t. You’re going to have to get creative. You will never get a stress free life and definitely not in this world but you can stop stressing about bad situations that never end up happening but still keep you up at night tossing and turning. If you have to get up at 5 in the morning and meditate, I do not care. just do it. Just do it man. Living with significantly less stress than all of your friends will strengthen your body and give it time to heal itself and detox. If you are moving into dozens of different situations every day, you want your body to be able to handle anything that happens. I’m not saying you have to shop at whole foods. Just reduced stress, smoke weed, and buy plenty of bulk bottled spring water and actually drink it which will make your body and mind more adaptable. Plenty of laughter helps too.
Body Hack #2
Your body can survive on much less food than we think if you take care of it and stop spending energy on stress and people who don’t actually give shit about you really. Start by skipping breakfast. Then skip lunch and breakfast. You will experience significant blood sugar drops but don’t trip out about it. You will not die. Eat a cookie motherfucker. Do not allow yourself to buy snacks unless you are literally having snacks for breakfast that day. You will find that eventually you’ll be able to go down to two meals a day to a big meal a day and maybe a snack to a small meal and snacks once in awhile. Tobacco is so crucial as an appetite reducer and to increase your awareness and, with so little stress, your lungs will be able to handle it with ease. You can use healthy meal replacement shakes to help you throughout this process. Don’t be drinking straight protein shakes on so little food though. Obviously. But I digress.
Be Smart
It’s good to have a backup plan. Any serious investor knows that you want an option that has almost no risk but very high potential reward. Keep your apartment available to you for at least several months. God forbid anything happens, you’re going to want that at least until you get better at this. Have other income streams if you have to at first. Most importantly build a chair-solid social safety net of people who love you, beleive in you and have got your back if you get fucked up. Don’t waste your time flirting around too much but make sure you have your back covered.
Do a test trial of a totally mobile lifestyle. I’m doing it for three days before I regroup and I’m even going back to have a Smash Bros. party tonight. Drive around and discover different areas to see if you feel the vibes. Keep moving till you find something interesting. If you live in a major city, find a small suburb that is separated as possible from the city but beautiful with plenty of greenery and exclusively wealthy. There is no violent crime in these types of neighborhoods so the cops are very chill.
Location Location Location
Find a spot that has everything. I will mention the city I’m in after I leave it but it has an unregulated parking lot, a nice truck stop with shower and tv room and a starbucks with amazingly beautiful girls in it nearly all day long all of which are within a 10 minute drive from each other. Don’t settle unless you have to. Do explore and enjoy yourself.
Don't Kid Yourself Bro
Realize that you will experience difficult and stressful situations that you have no idea how to deal with and you will have to respond like a real adult and get your shit together. You might for example, and this is totally hypothetical, be smoking a fat spliff (tobacco-marijuana cigarette for the unenlightened) on the grass by some train tracks which is private property with your dog chillin out off of his leash and suddenly realize there's a fucking suburban cop car a little ways down the street facing your direction. Yeah. A fucking crypto-spliff. If you keep your cool and don’t give a fuck you won’t have have any problems. Going behind bars is just a part of the game. If you know that, go for it.
Learn On the Job, Get Paid
This is a new lifestyle. Learn to do it while doing it. Not to mention participate in the open-sourcing of ways of living outside the the government and capitalize the fuck out of blogging on SteemIt to fund our experiment. It’ll be our little secret. Post this shit on facebook. Get people involved. We can earn profit learning how to hack the real world by teaching each other how to do it.
You don’t have to go to Mexico to go off the grid. People do not see before their very eyes the freedom that is waiting for them to behold. Do it in Chicago. Do that shit in LA. Do it in Montreal. Don’t do it in NYC are you crazy!!! Only kidding but try Connecticut or at least Boston. You can go anywhere. You don’t need that ball and chain called a mortgage or called rent. Be fucking resourceful and get creative. There are other ways of living in the city that I can’t even conceive of because I’m good at this way.
Have some goddamn fun!!! Just as much as I want to pull this off with you guys, I’m doing this because it’s fun as hell.
I wonder what the outcome of this post will be. But if I’ve learned anything from the crypto-internet it’s that once you inject the antidote into the system it eventually will get picked up by smart people who give it a life that no government can squash. Right?
As Rick & Morty like to say!
Gotta Catch ‘Em All!
No wait…
I wanna be the very best!
The best that ever was!
Umm…. no… uhh
Wubba Lubaa D…
Ahhh fuck it.
With so much love,
p.s. If anyone wants a hard link to an online photo album, pm me on @justyou. Ask questions!
welcome to Steemit 😉 It's good to have you here. I hope you enjoy it as much as many others and I do 😊 Keep on going with your great content and enrich the Community with your presence 😉
good post man good luck,
fasting and cold showers
Upvoted, Highly rEsteemed and followed!
Make your way to Colorado soon!
Hi Jonathan, I like what you're doing. Has there ever been such a mass of pioneers establishing a new era? Keep it going and let's see what this new economy is all about.
I don't think so! The time is now to know the truth!!
Welcome to Steem @justyou I have sent you a tip
Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same.
Thank you

Sorry for posting non-uploaded photos!! I mixed up different versions of this post because I had trouble getting the post to go though! Sorry! Love!
Welcome to this fabulous community! I post about cryptos, economy, silver,etc. Please checkout my posts to see if they interest you and my policy is if you follow me I will follow you. Welcome again!
Welcome here, let's go i'll be reading all of your posts !!
I do like your STEEMIT post @justyou … nice one … look forward to future posts as are been waited; so hope for you the best in this much interesting & challenging environment. I like writing/posting about several topics that call my attention, from travel, life, politics to science, food and technology. Here are some of my last posts, that if you can, read them and leave some comments - it will be great.
Best of good luck in the STEEMIT arena …. have given you my UPVOTE tick for the post, and hope you will FOLLOW to be up to date on posts ..!!
Txs. & Rgds.