Brief Summary of My 2017 (PLEASE READ)


My name is Juan Izquierdo. I am 20 years old and a Venezuelan student living one of the biggest crisis in South America. I am talking about the current situation in Venezuela. Today we have been in 75 days of protests with over 71 deaths. But, most of you might know this. What you don't know is what I have seen these last months. This is my story.

On Wednesday I arrived at the gathering with my resistance group that I belong to and at firs,t it was all good: cheers, hopes, and faith that the march could continue normally to its destination, but when we reached the front all my hopes went to the floor.

I had never seen such repression be so huge. Although we were more organized at the front, I was shocked to see the number of rubber bullets that were sent to us and bombs aimed at people; Stones, nuts, brass, lead pellets; hundreds injured.
In the midst of chaos and resistance, protesters start screaming paramedic! paramedic! Help! I turn and see a person with the glass of the eye of the mask broken and dripping blood on the floor. Among several we loaded him and managed to remove the helmet from the track of blood and the adrenaline while another protester removed the mask, we put him on the floor... while some shouted he is dying and others shouted that he was already dead ... Finally came a motorcycle and thank God they took him.

After this I felt like vomiting from the impotence, the indignation, the bleeding; To later find out that two friends of the group had been taken to the clinic because one got hit by a bomb in the chest and another in the belly. I sat there, and I could not stand it anymore. I went to the clinic where they attended us all because most of us had injuries and bomb hits somewhere in the body but we could breathe calmly because, in the end, we were all well, including the guy that got shot in the eye.

This is only one of the 75 days.

I arrived home later and learned that a graduate had been murdered ... it was at that moment that I cursed myself, cursed myself for having had hope and faith in the police and the military, I cursed myself for having believed that there were still decent and ethical people in this country; But instead: pure hatred, pure resentment.

My only wish is for the people that read this, to share it to those who are unaware of the current situation. That here everyone is getting killed and dying from hunger every single day but the censorship of the medias doesn't let the world know. This is my mission, to let the world know and for every cent that I receive from this post, it will be donated to the resistance. For proof this are some of the shot that reporters have taken of me in the midst of riots (Guy with green cap). Thank you.

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Greetings know for you juan, we are here also concerned with the condition of your country now, but what can we here can only help with prayer may your country safe and peaceful and no more turmoil that occurred. Because of our experience here if a country happens riots then the country's economy will drop dramatically. The longer the rioting occurs, we fear it will happen like a suriah, because the conflict stood out from the demos to the gradual battle that until now can not be secured. Hopefully your country is not as surreal and peaceful as we are here. Greetings from us aceh country at the end of sumatra island.


Thank you for reading my story @ayahme Let's hope this crisis ends soon and economic measures may be taken.

Hey! Very sad story! My thoughts are with you! I hope that this war will be over very soon, this has to end. Best wishes from germany and may god be with you.

Thank you very much. Lets hope it ends soon

The story is breathtaking my friend and heartbreaking at the same time . In my country we've seen that so many times and i grew up in that community man , truly appreciate that you are sharing this with us . Welcome !
Stay Strong !

Thank you. God Bless us all.

Hi Juan! It is so sad to see what is happening to your country. My heart is with you and the people of Venezuela. Try to be strong through all of the pain that is all around you. Remember, you are living through history, and so this too shall pass. Take care. Chris

Thank you for reading my story Chris. Just by reading this you are already helping us.

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Welcome here. It is bad there and nobody wants to help.

Hey! Welcome! Xx, Kay

Hola! Que bueno que a pesar de todos los problemas somos muchos los que decidimos seguir luchando por nuestro pais! Nos vemos en las calles!

Te sigo! Reesteem y Upvote!

Saludos. Nos vemos.

Welcome to steemit community.
I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Good Luck

En Venezuela, salir a la calle un día de marcha para luchar por la libertad de tu país, hace que tengas un sube y baja de emociones inmenso... pero al final del día, a pesar de la tristeza increíble que provoca ver y leer los resultados de la represión por parte del gobierno, es agradable saber que estamos todos juntos. ayudando y compartiendo esos mismos ideales y anhelos de un mejor futuro. Cuídate muchísimo estando al frente! Te seguiré y espero verte por ahí(:

Gracias por el apoyo. Nos vemos.