Juan Canon introduces himself to SteemIt!! Joined SteemIt c:
Hola/Hello SteemIt community! My name is Juan Canon, and I am an iB student from Florida!
I apologize for any errors in my writing, english isn't my first nor my best language
Since I was young, I've always been interested in math, science, and learning new languages (different countries and computer languages). I developed my fascination for technology since the moment I received my first video game console when I was 6, which was a PS1, and since then I have been driven into learning more and more about how technology works and the way it can be used to help the world. Such intrigue in new technologies and developments within the world led me to learn about cryptocurrency for the first time when I was 12. At the time, I remember researching about how it worked and how was it used; however, I was too young to be able to understand Blockchains which I now am able to comprehend better. By the age of 13, if Im not wrong, I remember hearing the news on how cryptocurrency would be the future of money and my desire to learn about it grew on me once again.
I currently am enrolled in Springstead High School, and I've decided to join SteemIt due to a class project that we are currently carrying out in my Economics class! It all started with a normal conversation, and somehow it ended up developing into a class project that will study the use and effects of Bitcoin and Altcoins in world markets.

I am from Colombia and moved to the US at the age of 13 were I continued my studies in Springstead High School, where I joined the iB program.
My current favorite class is my AP Computer Science course which I am taking through Florida Virtual School; however, my Calculus course does make me enjoy math while putting in a lot of effort into learning the content.
Through my junior and senior year, I joined the Cross Country team of my school, and learned that running isn't too bad after the first year of constantly hating yourself for signing up for it (I'm just joking haha!). I was part of the school's track team, yet it only lasted during my sophomore year. I tried to be part of the school's academic team, for which we went to our State competition and placed 4th in the State (not because of me though! ); ). I'm actively part of the school's spanish club, were I connect and work with my culture in order to help others.
Welcome! Have fun Steeming!
XC is painful but worth it man. Welcome to steemit
Welcome juansebastianc9, the more time I spend here the more I think that the overall architecture of this platform is truly amazing.
Thank you!
I’m excited to be on this new journey with you!
Welcome brother