Introducing @JollyCryptoRoger and the Answer to the Philosophical Question of Who Am I?
You did it!!!
You clicked on this mind bending, physically alternating, borderline euphoric article about who I am. You should feel PUMPED! You have begun a journey that holds mystery, danger, and action at every turn. Not really but I hope you leave with a smile, scratching your head, asking yourself, “What the hell did I just read?”
This article maybe intense both on a mental and physical level for some, so reading discretion is advised.
So without further ado lets get into the meat and potatoes of this article, because Daddy's hungry.
Who am I?
Well Jerry that is a deep philosophical question you are asking there. The answering of such a question brings with it an automatic judgment. So should I tell you who I think I am or should I tell you who I think you should think I am? With me there? Remember I told you mind bending.
Or perhaps I should tell you my achievements, my hopes and dreams, maybe you want to know about my goals. The fact you want to know who I am makes me suspicious of you. Are wanting to know if you are in someway better than me? Is that true Jerry, do you want to hold a measuring contest? I assure you, you will lose.
No, I didn’t think so. Lets start at the beginning shall we? The beginning is a simple point in time that's easy to describe and easy to understand. After being born the fourth child of five. My mother’s friends all thought I was mentally handicapped because by the age of four I still hadn’t said my first word. Like a caveman I just grunted at the things I wanted and my siblings would do the talking for me.
That was until one day my mother was doing dishes and I was grunting for a glass of water. She looked down at me and said, “Willy, say, may I please have a glass of water?” With a demanding grunt I pointed at the glass of water again. Shaking her head she said, “No, I’m not going to give you a glass of water until you say, may I please have a glass of water.”
I was confused, if she knew what I wanted, more importantly what I needed, why the hell did I have to ask for it? So I relented and said in my four year old voice, “May I please have a glass of water?”
She dropped the glass breaking it and ran to the phone, she called her best friend and in tears said, “I told you he wasn’t retarded.”
So that’s me in a nut shell, my first word was an entire sentence disproving peoples assumptions about me. I'm a true believer that actions speak louder than words. Its not what you say, it’s what you do, that makes you who you are.
So What have I done?
Now we come to the truly philosophical part of this endeavor. I can tell you about the two books I wrote and the one I’m working on. I can tell you about the the four kids I have raised and the beautiful women I have married. I can even tell you about the work I do to provide for my family, my dreams, and my goals. However, time has the ability to erase all that I have done and all that I will do. So who I am is really who I am not.
No, that doesn’t work for you? Then you should have ask who am I in this perceived alternating reality Jerry. Be more specific and you will get a more specific answer.
As it stands at this moment I am a force of intelligence locked within the confines of a biological entity. As fun as it is to interact with physical world I find it a true joy exploring the higher dimensions of existence and consciousness.
Now I understand your thinking, “What the hell?” keep in mind I have been tested. At the age of thirteen when my teachers lost the ability to understand me they called in the professionals from the local college. After an eight hour test they concluded I had the mental mentality of a thirty year old. At the time of writing this, I’m thirty five.
You now know of me, we laughed, we cried (maybe not), but we’ve learned something. It’s not who I am, it’s not what I am, its that I am. Our paths have crossed which should be statistical impossibility and yet here you are.
So Congratulations! I look forward to interacting with you on this platform.
Up vote, follow, comment. You know the drill Jerry.
Very cool introduction! Welcome - you’ll fit in great! 😊
Thanks for reading it
Hows it going?
Hey there

Not much, love Robin Willlams
Welcome to the community. Creativity is contagious... pass it along. - Albert Einstein
thanks glad to be here
Welcome to Steemit! "I told you he wasn't retarded". Hahaha. Liked the intro, look forward to reading more posts.
Thanks for taking the time, I look forward to writing more.