You All Know Who John Wall is Right?
You All Know Who John Wall is Right?
Ever done the John Wall? Do you know what the John Wall is?
If you are a basketball fan of any sort. Then you know who John Wall is.
NBA Star from the Washington Wizards...
Below is not John Wall... However, I have been told more recently that I look like this guy!
Yeah... This guy is not John Wall either... But have been told the same thing about this guy my whole life. (Even in other countries.)!
Well, sorry to disappoint you. I am none of these people, and those last two people look like me, not the other way around. LOL! Who am I? Well, I am the "Real John Wall". Recently invited to Steemit and excited to be here.
I have a hard time talking about myself since it requires the use of the letter " I "... I will use it frequently since this is an introduction about me, myself, and I... Just a weird thing about myself, but I prefer to use the words "We and You" more often than not... But since I was told to introduce myself, my first article on steemit will be an " I " article...
I am an entrepreneur, company owner, social media wholesale provider, self proclaimed reputation fixer, and SEO aficionado... I love to work hard and try to stay busy. From childhood to now - I have milked cows, dug ditches, worked doing road construction, went to college, played golf in college, joined the Army, bred thoroughbreds, sold cars and worked my way up until I ran the sales department at an auto dealership.
I know what it is like to eat the same thing over and over because you can't afford to buy anything else, and I know what a $100 porterhouse steak at a restaurant tastes like (Really Good!) I remember what it was like to bounce a check (anyone remember what a check was?) to have enough gas to get from one side of town to the other, and now I have traveled the world. (I have one more continent to visit still.) I will never forget the 13'x40' foot trailer I lived in, and really enjoy the nice size house I have today. I remember what it was like to wonder what it would be like to be someone else, and I am sure not many will ever be able to say they have had breakfast at Tiffany's... I have achieved much from nothing and and it has given me an appreciation for everything.
I love life (because Malignant Melanoma can take a life quickly and I survived it), and I try to give more than I receive... I do what I do to provide for this bunch below in hopes they will never have to experience "WANT or NEED" like I did.
That's my high school sweetheart and most amazingly handsome boys...
I may not be an NBA star and their may be some actors out there that are as handsome as I... but that does not change the fact that this John Wall is the real John Wall. I am who I am because of my experiences and relationships that I have built over my life. So far, I love this platform. My personality will drive me to provide valuable, enjoyable, and sometimes funny content. I will do my best to be constructive, take advice, learn, and be encouraging when I can. Thanks for reading... I look forward to the addition of this journey in my life.
Oh... BTW... Here is what I look like...
okay,john wall
Guess what John Wall! Fucking #cornwins and you rock! Hell yeah!
Welcome to Steemit!
Excited to be here... This post has been ready to send out for a few days... Was introduced and was given a brief tour by a friend... Logged in the next day and that was when all hell broke loose... Then kept refreshing, and refreshing, and refreshing... I was like!!!

Nice to have you around!
Here are some tips if you're not aware of already:
or for#test
onlyThanks... I need all the help I can get...