Introducing myself.

Hey all,
I'd wanna know who I am reading about when I read a blog, so I will do the same.

My name is Joel, 22 years old, from the Netherlands.
After I graduated high school I chose to not go to university. I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew I didn't want to waste time and money on university doing something I wasn't sure I wanted to do.

So I started with reading a lot. Like a lot a lot. Mostly they were psychology & self-help books since I was always interested in how people work and why they do what they do. After 6 months of that I woke up one day in January in the middle of the night with an idea. I had gotten into precious metals, but I had noticed something..

The main Dutch marketplace for buying and selling silver from person to person was risky. There was no way to know if someone was gonna scam me or not, so I decided to build a marketplace for precious metals myself. It would have reviews, a rating system and a private messaging option.

The next 7 months I spend an average of 17 hours a day building that website from scratch, learning PHP, JS and HTML by trial and error along the way. Finally I had finished it. The website was done and I launched it.

Now I think if it, it wasn't even a moment of pride. More a moment of relief that it was done. Unfortunately nothing happened. I didn't know shit about marketing and how to grow a userbase so it was basically an empty website. During those 7 months the big Dutch marketplace had integrated a private messaging system as well.

I also realized after all those months that all the predictions of the silver evangelists hadn't come true. They were making the same kinda videos, spreading doubt and fear in order for people to buy their silver.

This didn't mean that I didn't believe in silver anymore. Not everything they said was shit. I still have some silver buried in certain places, but it did mean that my passion for the project died down. Nothing further came of it.

In the 2 years that followed I had some more projects, trying to find out what my strengths are, what I am good at and what I am going to do.

  • Psychology
  • Finance
  • Christianity
  • Man-woman relationships
  • Fixing stuff
  • Building stuff
  • Gardening

These are my main interests, but my biggest interest is finding TRUTH. It is the reason I went down most of these rabbitholes. It is the reason I ended up in the crypto space.

Finding truths is in my opinion the best goal to have. It can be hard and my ego has been bruised many times, but it has always been for the better. With that goal in the back of my mind I go into crypto.

I'm no bitcoin maximalist or any maximalist. I don't like hypes. I look at what happens or what someone says and I try my hardest to look at it objectively. If you are right, you are right and I will tell you that you're right. If you talk shit I will tell you that you're talking shit.

I plan on posting conversations (debates) that I've had and will have in Youtube comments, on Facebook or in real life. It's far better to look at things from both sides. Make an argument for something and destroy it or get destroyed. Both are fine.

To read about how I got into crypto, read my previous and first Steemit post:

That is a bit of my background.
Till next time,



Greetings and welcome to Steemit. This platform offers fantastic opportunities for business savvy people. Feel free to browse business-trail for some useful tips to starting out.

@joelwatchman bienvenido a Steemit. dejo mi voto!

Dankje jhelbich

Hi Joel, thanks for posting and welcome to Steemit :) You will find many disgruntled silver enthusiasts here who have turned to crypto. Just as a tip, you will get more views and upvotes if you make at least one post verifying your identity with for example a picture with a Steemit sign and the date, or a mention on one of your other social media sites.

Yeah, I bet there are a lot of people who went through exactly the same thing with silver.. well, as long as we arrive in the right place in the end, it's all good.

Thanks for the tip Trogdor, I will make sure to do something like that soon!

Welcome to Steemit, Joel!
You will enjoy it here! ;)

I think I will indeed. Thanks Acro!

Welcome to Steemit Joel!

Thanks Daveks, love the community so far!

Fixing and building stuff are incredibly useful skills, many of your interests are useful these ones caught my eye. got my follow ^^

Will you be posting about things you fixed or built or fixing and building?

This article will keep you motivated not matter what happens here.

Thanks solarguy & I appreciate the follow.
I hadn't thought about it, but why not! Next time something needs to be fixed I will post about it.

I read your article. If anyone reads this reply, check his post out. It contains some great value.

welcome to steemit :)

Thanks Jray, I already prefer it over Facebook.

Welcome to the club! Follow me at

Awesome intro post, Welcome to the party! You'll fit right in around here 😄
Followed & Up Voted.
Have fun & Steem On!

Thanks Scuba, appreciate it!
I sure will.