Hello, Steemit! Introduction Post from Texas, USA

Hello, Steemit Community!


I am Jason Ziegler and I am living in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.

JasonSteemitVerificationPhoto.jpg Photo Credit: Self

Family Life

I am engaged and the father of two children.


I am self-employed as an internet marketing consultant who specializes in providing Infusionsoft support and implementation. In 2014 I co-founded a marketing agency, Insightful Automation, with a friend.
InfusionsoftLogo.png Photo Credit: Infusionsoft


My interests outside of my work include:

  • philosophy
  • politics
  • economics
  • web development
  • cryptocurrencies
  • gardening


Over the past two years I have been increasingly interested in philosophy thanks to Stefan Molyneux.


As long as I can remember I have been interested in the way the world works (or doesn't) Son of a Republican father and a Democrat mother, I was early introduced to political debate. Rejecting both of my parents, I was heavily influenced by socialism and communism in University until I realized that far from being a path towards utopia these were both oppressive in nature and luckily stumble upon more libertarian/anarchist ideas thanks to Ron Paul.


As silly as it sounds, I have been interested in economics since the first time I played SimCity. The idea of managing finite or limited resources is fascinating to me. I am trying to study a lot of the material put out by the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Web Development

I am a novice web developer (my job requires basic knowledge) and am continually trying to improve my grasp of HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and MySQL.


Introduced to cryptocurrencies in 2014 by Max Keiser, I was immediately aware of how disruptive and beneficial cryptos would become. I have been following the space ever since.


I have been #gardening since 2013. Here is a picture of my garden. It looks a little sad because the temperature here is 105F.

GardenImage001.jpg Picture Taken by Author: July 30, 2017

Parting Words

I am very happy to be a part of the growing #Steemit Community and look forward to growing with it.


Nice to see you on steemit :D
Have a great day.

Welcome to the steemit community, Jason!

Love the variety of interests you have. That'll transfer into steemit wonderfully, and you'll be a valued contributor in no time I'm sure.

Best of luck to you!

Welcome to Steemit! j-ziegler-tx, Upvote & Follow is ou great strength.
Let's try to get along.

Welcome to steem I hope you will enjoy your time here, I highly recommend you joining the THL (The homestead life) community so you can get to know poeple that like homesteading and gardening. If you like you can also join the minnow support project, I will send you a link for you to join.

I followed THL and MSP. Thanks for the recommendations.

Great I'm glad you joined in :)

Welcome to steemit :) I also do covers, play violin and do videos on youtube as well. We have to support each other on steemit, that's why I Commented on this post :D

Awesome ! I am glad to read your intro article and I must upvote and follow you from my personal account @azizbd . Hope your kids are also fine. You will be happy to know that we are also a charity which provides free education for underprivileged children in Bangladesh.
Take our love to your kids. I am sure you are well organized and one the way to be successful here. Reteemit for the article :)

Hi @j-Ziegler-tx welcome to Steemit. I do hope that you have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
If you would like to stay in touch please Follow me @pastorlea

Hello Jason, welcome to Steemit family and our ever-growing platform. You have made a great decision by joining us and helping us to create decentralized entity that will change the way social media and other business models work in the future. I would like to help you out in your early days by using my steem power to upvote your first few posts. Simply follow my account and tag me by @czechglobalhosts in your posts and I will make sure to read your post and upvote you! Good luck and steem on! Tomas

Will do, thanks Tomas :)