Perkenalkan teman dan komunitasku | Introduce my friend and Community

Hello sahabat steemian Semoga dalam keadaan Sehat selalu.
20170911_224832.jpgpada kesempatan Ini Saya ingin Berbagi Cerita tentang pergerakan teman-teman di komunitas steemit Army 87. Sebuah komunitas yang dibangun oleh teman Teman yang sering nongkrong di kedai kopi. @steemitarmy87 diprakarsai oleh @sofda , @achehmama87 @academix87, @inok, @muliaeko, @irwanumpal, @harisbeuh, @jufni, @edoe. Walau baru di dunia Steemit kami Mencoba Untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan tentang steemit, content, Community organizer, Commercial dan banyak hal lagi seputar platform yang sering Kami diskusikan. Besar harapan kami komunitas ini bisa jadi sarana yang bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan kapasitas anggota dan tempat yang menyenangkan dalam usaha pengembangan diri ke arah yang lebih baik.

Hello steemian friend May be in good health always.
on this occasion I want to Share Stories about the movement of friends in the Army 87 steemit community. A community built by friends Friends who often hang out in coffee shops. @ steemitarmy87 is initiated by @sofda, @ achehmama87 @ academix87, @muliaeko, @irwanumpal, @harisbeuh, @jufni, @edoe. Although new in the world we try to share Steemit knowledge about steemit, content, Community organizer, Commercial and many more things about the platform that we often discuss. We hope this community can be a useful tool in improving the capacity of members and places of fun in the business of self development to a better direction.


Pada hari rabu kemarin saya bersama @sofda Mendapat telepon dari seorang teman Bernama asbunumpal beliau ingin bergabung di steemit dan bertanya bagaimana caranya. Kamipun langsung bergerak Menjemput asbun. asbun Merupakan seorang pecinta alam yang berasal dari Universitas Malikussaleh. Pada tahun 2012 silam asbun sudah pernah mengayuh sepeda dari Sabang ke Merauke selama 4 tahundalam Rangka Merayakan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. sebuah perjalanan panjang yang dilakukan temanku lni dan akan banyak Cerita Yang dapat diceritakan termasuk pendakian gunung di Indonesia Yang dilaksanakan ketika Ekspedisi sepeda tersebut dilaksanakannya. Semoga teman saya Asbun dapat berbagi banyak tentang pengalamannya kepada kita Semua.

On Wednesday I met with @sofda on the phone yesterday from a friend named asbunumpal. He wanted to join in steemit and ask how. We also moved to pick up the ash. asbun Is a nature lover from Malikussaleh University. In the year 2012 ago asbun had been cycling from Sabang to Merauke for 4 years in the Framework Celebrate the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. a long journey by my friend This will be a lot of stories that can be told including mountain climbing in Indonesia Which was carried out when the bicycle Expedition was carried out. Hopefully my friend Asbun can share much about his experience to us AlI.

dan ini ada beberapa Photo Rapat kecil kami bersama para senior di markas besar steemitarmy 87. Semoga kekompakan mi terus terjaga sepanjang masa.

and here are some of our small Photo Meetings with the seniors at steemitarmy 87 headquarters. Hopefully the compactness of the noodles is maintained all the time.

Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda.


Welcome here on Steemit. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Already nice pictures. Thank you!


This seems to be another case of fake identity. The user has ignored our many requests to confirm identity. We would be grateful if you retracted your vote.

I've done account verification apologize if it makes you uncomfortable ..

Hello! Welcome to Steemit.

In order to prevent identity theft, identity deception of all types, and content theft we like to encourage users that have an online identity, post for a website or blog, are creators of art and celebrities of all notoriety to verify themselves. Verified users tend to receive a better reception from the community.

Any reasonable verification method is accepted. Examples include:

  • A post or tweet on an established Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media account with a link to your contribution on Steemit.
  • A reference or link to your Steemit account on your website or blog.


Thank you!

please guidance for account verification

As mentioned above.

Any reasonable verification method is accepted. Examples include:

  • A post or tweet on an established Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media account with a link to your contribution on Steemit.
  • A reference or link to your Steemit account on your website or blog.

Please verify within next 12 hours.

I've done it on facebook as you ordered


You have only 24 hours left to confirm your identity. Please refer to our other comment underneath.

Wow... Foto sahabat @academix sangat keren...
Semoga menjadi sahabat-sahabat yang the best...

semua potonya nampil kecuali potoh ku
gak tau apa sebabnya gak bisa nampil

hopefully keep friendship without being restricted by religion, race, race and gender ..... bhahahah

thanks Mr.@jufni peace mission, stop War and keep Steemit On

selamat bergabung .....kompak dan tetap menjaga keharmonisan..... serius lima menit happy sepanjang masa..... good luck

siap komandan laKsanakan


selalu bergabung tetapi agak telat karena baru join lagi di dunia Steemit
smoga kita semua sekses selalu

Benar apa adanya yang penting kebersamaan yang tidak membatasdiri agar sama sama menyenangkan

Benar Bg@zainaabidin Karena silaturahmi Itu memberikan keberkahan dalam hidup dan sedekah ilmu akan mendapat banyak pahala. Semoga sukses selalu menyertai kita semua. We are all Steemian

Hello saya dari borneo apa khabar ... 😊

kabar bai kawan...salam dari aceh...@johnafro

Terima kasih kawan ... salam dari sabah borneo 😊

nice keep steeming

thank you @ayubloaded to support my post...