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RE: Hi, my name is Richie - I am one of the founders of

I hope you blog about what it's like to run an exchange without giving any trade secrets. We use to hear from Vern a lot from Cryptsy. It's nice to meet the people behind bittrex.

Here's a question, how often do you have monitor the coin wallets and look for the latest upgrade or hard fork? With so many coins on your exchange, that must be a real daunting task.


Check out the page, they have a lot of automation in place to monitor blockchains and pause markets if forks are detected.

I hope you blog about what it's like to run an exchange without giving any trade secrets


What trade secrets could exist? I thought for exchange owners to trade on their own exchange was a bit unethic. It would be like a gambler playing on their own gambling site.

Perhaps aspects of how they handle security, or future marketing plans, etc.. Just like any business.