Spit it out, now! My introduction to Steemit

Greetings, Steemit! It's my pleasure to officially introduce myself. Well, there is some sense of pleasure in it, and a much stronger feeling of anxious pressure to write exactly the right thing. That's exactly why I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone, and forcing myself get these words out there, though.

I'm known as Madge in these digital realms, Megan in others. I'm an aspiring rant writer who is pushing my personal/professional ticket and delving into journalism and grant writing even though I have no idea what I'm doing. (Insert dog scientist meme here.) It seems that my interests span the gamut--while I studied Political Science and Spanish while in University, I'm inspired to write about food systems, ecology, sociology, interpersonal relationships, and self-love. In conversation, I love to break out into rhyme, but only time can tell if that will translate to the internet well...I'm imagining that eventually I'll incorporate video pieces alongside my words, if possible.

It's been liberating getting just these few paragraphs down. I'm beginning a journey of self exploration through sharing these expressions with the Steemit community after having struck an accord with my pal @Murph785 earlier this week. We'll both be sharing two pieces of poetry per week, as well as one long-form essay per month. I'm calling this contract the "Accountabilibuddy Accord."

I look forward to seeing what the two of us create, and reading many other Steemers' content along the way!

Here's some lines that are oldies, but goodies:

If it comes from your heart,
It's your art.
True expression brings awareness to the collection
And frees us for future connection.

Thanks for the read, all.


Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here:)

welcome to steemit

Welcome to the amazing world of Blogging and Sharing. Make sure to post only Original content, and keep patience to succeed. Also do help in community development through interacting and engagement. Hope you have a Blessed & Happy Stay.....Steem on !!


Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to steemit and sounds like you have plenty to share with us once you get going! Good luck and wish you all the best on your journey into blockchain blogging

Posted using Partiko iOS