potato :p

I'm staring at a blank screen wondering how I'd like to introduce myself to a bunch of people who know nothing about me.
This is a clean slate, a fresh start in every definition so I'll try to peak your interest in me.
I suppose I could start of with what I do or why I'm here, but I'll get to the in a bit.
I want to tell you about my passion. I'm an India girl with big dreams. Now for someone from a middle class family, big dreams would stop at an engineering degree and probably a good marriage and a steady career. I mean no offense, but for everyone who's been in my shoes, this is what has been expected of us since generations. And for those to dare to dream big, we're usually shunned and our dreams our put down, usually by our own family.
I'm an engineering student who is trying to do something bigger than what this bland field has to offer. Again, no offense to anyone.
Have you ever heard a song that is so good that it literally brings goosebumps? This song might be something so simple but in it's simplicity, it brings about elegance and intimacy and beauty in ways you never would've thought a song could bring you. Have you ever read poetry that resonates with you on a wavelength that is above and beyond this world? Poetry where you find each word so intricately woven, it might as well have been written for you. Have you ever read a story that makes you lose yourself in it's twists and turns, where you find yourself so deeply immersed that when you finish it you feel like a brand new person? This is my passion. Art.
I want to write and sing and click pictures of places and culture that portrays so much more that what the plain eye can see. I'm so intrigued by art. I find myself so deeply sumerged into this. The way some simple words, a painting or a few chords can explain feelings and want In a way that is so extra-terrestrial, you can't even understand it. I want the world to understand love and hate, pain and happiness and all the emotions this money consumed state has made us forget. I want to create something above money and time, above pettiness, beyond social media. Something that makes you think about things more important than all of the above. Something that unites the world through culture and song, through story and art. Thats about my passion.
So hey!
I'm sweeya. Pretty weird name for a pretty weird person hehe.
On the good days where I'm not consumed in depression, I'm a pretty weird person. I swear a lot. I mean A LOT.
I love good ol beer and some good rock/ classic music. I love tv shows and movies too, and good books.
On the bad days I don't do much other than sleep.
I'm currently gaining interest in fitness so I'm working on that.
I'm letting things go with the flow right now. Let's see where things go.
Sorry for the long post. No potatoes haha.
I hope you guys stay on with me on this journey and I hope to make new friends here.
Sayanora for now!


Welcome to Steemit @i69withyourmumii!

Hello! Welcome!

Welcome to Steem @i69withyourmumii I have upvoted and sent you a tip

thank you so much :')

Great introduction! Welcome to Steemit! :) Its great to have new creative people coming over to Steemit! Looking forward to your next few posts! :)

Thank you for the support ❤️

good introduction! Being weird is the best :)

Welcome to Steemit, potato ;)

thank you :') potato is humbled :p

Hi, @I69withyourmumii, I'm just here to leave a nice Hello ^^. Unfortunately i don't have much voting power, but i will be back and vote my followers. Need to grow a little ^^. Have a great time @rightuppercorner

hello! i hope you grow more than just a little! and thank you :)

@i69withyourmumii One middle class engineering student to another I can tell that this is very relatable(Engineering blues I guess:P).
I believe the more challenging the road is the more memorable it will be. I wish you all the best for your journey.
Let's make positivity great again:P
Ciao (Psst.. BTW I'm weird too..cheers!)

Thank you! I'm glad you relate hehe. To weirdness :')

@i69withyourmumii BTW what a weird username to have😂😂

Hi @i69withyourmumii welcome to Steemit, have a nice time ahead.

Hello @i69withyourmumii welcome to Steemit . Maybe your post may not immediately get a lot of upvoted but I believe your continued hard work and effort will makes you success. Follow me @stanley888 Thank you