besides we can share the news in steemit also we can get the money
Assalammualaikum WR. WB
introduce my name hushus.
sorry chamber I have not introduced myself.
I have a job as a designer in a company. besides I also love with art
what is art ??
Understanding Art is everything that created human beings that contain elements of beauty and able to evoke the feelings of others. The term art comes from the word sanskrit from the word sani which is defined by worship, offerings and close service with a religious ceremony called art. According to Padmapusphita where art comes from the Dutch language genie in Latin is called genius which means extraordinary ability brought from birth. Meanwhile, according to the European Sciences that art comes from the word art which means artificially is a media that perform certain activities. Of the many meanings of art, and the growing age makes many experts put forward their opinions on the definition of art.
I do not want to talk long here maybe you all already know what is art to shorten let us share the news of fellow human beings
I like this steemit than can share the news we can also earn money.
i am from aceh indonesia greeting warm steemit
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I enjoyed your post and @hushus I'm pleased to meet you!
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Original Content.thank you guys let us share stories
Welcome to steemit bro@hushus
thanks friends let's follow each other back
Have already followed you bro....hoping to get interesting infomations and gist from you
yes I do too
welcome to the community steemit
thank you already i follow you
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