A Challenge To All Religious Believers. Can You Defend Your Religion?

Hello to all fellow Steemians.

I'm excited to be here. I intend to use my time here to raise controversial points and hopefully spark off some spirited discussions.

I wish to use the Steemit platform to start discussions on religion and atheism. I was raised as a Christian and attended a Church of England school and believed in the Christian God for most of my childhood. I am now - and have been for thirty years or so - an atheist.

I have an interest in religions of all kinds (although I mostly dwell on Christianity as that is my background) and I'm keen to discuss all aspects of religion with fellow atheists, agnostics but especially believers.

My position as an atheist is simply this - I do not believe in any god or gods. Period. Now, if someone can provide proof that a god exists then I will change my position but I have yet to see anything that remotely shakes my atheism.

I also believe that people can derive benefits from belonging to a religion as part of being in the 'in-group' but I also think that the negatives of religion (of any denomination) for society far outweigh any advantages.

I will be doing posts on many aspects of atheism and I challenge all of you who hold a religion to respond to my posts and defend what you believe.

I hope that those who are already atheists will weigh in with their comments and those who may be doubting their religion's dogma will find the courage to engage in the discussions.

If I offend anyone then sorry, but religion has been given special privileges for far too long and it is now time for it to face the challenge of those of us who do not believe.

I look forward to conversing with you all.

Lovely post @historicus. Welcome to steemit. Am glad you are here, and I can't wait to read your stuffs here.am a Christian too, and I'll like to hear all the stuff you'll have to write on.
prices as well. Wishing you the best

I resteemed and upvoted you,so more people will see this.

Please Am on a contest now too and I really need your vote. Am low at this point in the contest . All you need do is click this link


And then upvote my comment @lucyc in the comment section.
That will help me win the hygiene contest. Thanks a lot for your anticipated help. You can join the contest if you desire. Thanks for your help

Thank you for your comment @lucyc. I voted for you as requested - hope you win! Followed you as well.