Salutations! Seana here, hoping to make a good impression but oblivious to the spinach in my teeth ;)

The crazy thing... That type of moment? Would, could and probably has happened to me before.

I was born in 1983, so I like to think I was able to experience the best of both worlds. I grew up climbing trees, riding my bike sans helmet, drinking from hoses and spending my days and nights on adventures into my own imagination. There were a handful of neighborhood kids I'd hang out with on occasion, but I wasn't very big on social interaction.

Being raised just outside of the city of Detroit, Michigan, in an area that wasn't quite developed early on, was also an amazing experience, watching how this small community manifested around me. Where once there were no need for stop lights we soon had four way signs and even traffic stops with left turn signals. It became the bustle of cities in the surrounding area, but no one really knew the place for what it was, you'd always have to name the biggest town 20 minutes out before a look of recognition flickered across another face.

You can take the girl out of Detroit, but you can't take Detroit out' the girl


Before the information access / transformation of my generation, thanks to the Internet we lived in suburbia under the spell of an American Dream.

 Then, like the great and Powerful Oz, this miracle came into my life after a solid decade of analog living. Oh those sounds of dial tone, dialing, pausing in anticipation of the awful, grating and oddly enticing connection made before...

Iconic: "You've Got Mail."

Suddenly, new worlds sprang up with every achingly slow dial-up connection to the world of AOL. 

Oh yeah, I RP'd with the best of them. 

That's also when I realized how much I enjoyed writing. 

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I learned how to spin tales of mystery and magick in Rhydin and piqued my salacious senses in Gorean Taverns for several years. I am debating the idea of sharing my NSFW stories here. I am excited to join the community and hope I will find more feedback through Steemit as opposed to my own blogging or other social media platforms.

Back in the Day I would write stories for friends, about friends, hooking them up with their secret admirees and it was really how I survived High School. But I also learned a lot about the rhythm and flow of language, falling in love with its eccentricity and how pages could co-create themselves. These were, admittedly, troubled times for me, but that's another tale for another time. Suffice it to say I felt like Writing was my Salvation... even the naughty bits.

I got very wrapped up in conspiracy forums about 10 years ago and because of that I found another passion.

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Michael Tsarion was one of the first presenters of alternative history and occult symbolism that I learned about and I dove into his work like a mermaid into the deep. I was so interested and began devouring the work of different historian, ET researchers, Whistleblowers and listening to late night radio that catered to the strange and unknown.

I have been working in the podcast / Alternative Media / Awareness arena for a solid 2 years now and it's opened my eyes to so much! I am always excited to hear different theories and speak with interesting individuals, in fact, that's how I found Steemit to begin with... having listened to an episode of Coast to Coast AM and wanting to get to know more about a guest.

Degrees of separation....





Welcome to steemit

Welcome to family :)

Wow!! What an excellent introduce yourself post!! I look forward to seeing more from you, and reading your stories! You'll see my co-host comment below regarding MSPWaves Radio. I'd love to hear a conspiracy podcast!! I know he (@globocop) would too! I would be the Jane he speaks of in yonder comment of his, below. (@disarrangedjane)
I'd love to put you into contact with him, should you be interested in hosting a show of your own on MSPWaves Radio.
Welcome to the Steemit community!!!
Looking forward to reading your blog here!

Thank you for the awesome welcome. I will try to keep up around here but it seems like there's more buzzing happening on Steemit than a Nubee colony. ;)

Conspiracy shows, I do have a podcast already but would love to bring it on board. We talk taboos and seriously are interested in sharing controversial topics that allow people to step outside of their knee jerk reactionary response and understand the other side of an argument. I have had guests where... well... lets say my own triggers were tested but I have to say I Love Radio!

Thanks for the positive feedback too Jane, I'm looking forward to checking out your content as well!

Welcome to Steem @hijac.seana I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank You :) Still learning the ropes here, but I appreciate the positive feedback!

I liked it! This seems like a brand new account so I wanted to make this post. This post was nice so I upvoted it and keep on steeming!
As you are new to steemit, getting those big upvotes are gonna be hard so I suggest you to try out @MinnowPowerUp as you can earn up to 30% more steem power than just powering up with steem directly! It's a subscription based daily upvote bot that draws its power from a delegation pool. I have also made this post where I explain my experience with the service in more depth and show how I earn over $1 a day in upvotes.

@kromosoom ~ Thank you for the information and the suggested post I will definitely check out your blog! I am just starting out, but I think this is going to be a great community within which to get involved. :)

Hello , I'm from Detroit too! Welcome!

Howdy @hijac.seana? Welcome to steemit :]

Hi and thank you! yes, HIJAC Radio, its a podcast I have co-created with a friend across the pond. We have fun and talk to some interesting people about very random things. :)

Welcome @hijac.seana!

Can't take Detroit out of a gal, eh? Yeah, I can relate to the early days - no helmet bike rides, hose drinking, tree climbing. Well written!

Came across your post because of the #radio tag.

We have an amazing community here, called MSP - Anyone considered with <5000 SteemPower is considered a 'Minnow', >5k it's a dolphine or whale.

MSP also has a radio station - - come on check it out. Maybe you want to do a Conspiracy Show yourself?

Here are some show: FreezePeach with @r0nd0n or the CHAOS show with Jane are hot topic shows you may enjoy! Also got to check out @crimsonclad's Full Force Thursday Metal show...

Whatever the case - welcome to Steemit!

Info on MSPWaves Radio

100% You cannot take the energy of a city like Detroit away from a heart in love with Motown :)

It's a different world for these kids and I have days where I fear for my golden years... and sometimes I feel hopeful they will clean up the messes we've left along the way. Only time will tell!

Thank you for all the invite information and I will indubitably be checking out the radio station. Currently in the early launch stages myself from spinning off another international project but I am open to new opportunities to put myself in front of a microphone.

I used to promote local music so the Thursday Metal show has me intrigued. ;)


Well Seana - we're looking forwad to read more of you - and perhaps welcome you to the station! :)

Thanks Chris, I will go ahead and apply this week, I am usually working except Tuesday and Thursday, so that's the best time for me to work on this new and exciting project!

Welcome to Steemit! Nice to meet you. :-)
Upvoted and followed! I am new here too. :-)

Nice introduction post! Glad you made it onto this platform. It’s going to change your life, hope you have a good time.

It seems really interesting and with so many viewpoints! I also like the vibe, very open to interpretation and non-troll-esque.... It's gotta be great for momentum, I'm feeling it for sure, thank you. :)