Ventura County's Inaugural Hackathon By the Sea


We are super excited to host county wide this hackathon for our high schoolers. This is their opportunity to witness what makes economies work and employ people in local communities, innovation and problem-solving. We are posting on this social media blockchain, STEEM, because blockchain is just one of many innovations that will power the decentralized model that many of these talented high schoolers will drive forward.

We will be posting pictures and videos for the entire 21 hours and showing, if any, the blockchain projects, especially! Please curate as we would like to inspire these kids on the many use cases of blockchain, including the monetization of social media, ka-bang!

Ventura County Office of Education and Volunteers!!!!


Please curate, I have about 20 hours to show these high school kids the power of blockchain! Any value will be used for supporting high school projects on blockchain and carry forward to next year!

Thank you SPONSORS!

Thank you for supporting this hackathon and kids!

welcome to steemit where all the interesting writing will be get the rewads

absolutely! merit-based economies are the only way to go! high school kids will get that from this example, pictures and videos to be posted once the hackathon starts in 2 hours!

I'm the guy running the blockchain workshop, please help me show these kids how awesome this community is!

Its getting busy !

This is me and my hackers!

Intro to Blockchain coming up in 12 houra, emphasis on Steem!

Kids need a break at 130am