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RE: Needs More Effort

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hello @brisby. I really liked reading that post and was only when I got to the bottom of the post that I received a little surprise. You're a woman! Ha, ha, ha, yes, I know that you may well have realised this, but for some reason, I had just assumed that you were male, for some reason.

You write very well and your composition is very engaging and pleasant to read. I was just typing a thank you reply to your kind comment and I just had the thought that I hadn't checked to see if you had done an introduce yourself post and you had :). And here it is. I knew it would be really good.

Judging from your 'activity sheet' answers (and assuming you have followed your natural path of destiny in life), I take it that you are now a full-time covert food asssassin?

I'm glad that you re-typed your post after re-reading, because you did what all good composition writers do and decided to write from the heart and give or share a piece of yourself with the Steemit community and I really like the paragraph that's the second to last post. Well put and I concur with most of it.

Right I had better get going, because I have to finish the reply to your comment. That's a brilliant introduce yourself post. Thank you for 'sharing' that and I genuinely look forward to reading more of your writings.

I do feel foolish, yes, for thinking you were male and I would apologise, but I would not be certain why I am apologising :).

The tree did look a bit un-hugged.


Thank you! I was a bit curious if you thought that I was male but figured that you were using "mate" in a general sense. My friend & I always call each other "dude"and we are both female. I'll be honest, I'm flattered that you liked my writing enough that you didn't care what gender I am. Reading your surprise made me laugh 😂. I'm glad that you didn't apologize because you didn't do anything but make me smile. Yes, I am a food assassin but I perform purely for the joy of it! I appreciate the care that you take with your responses. They're a pleasure to read.

I just realized that you resteemed my intro.
Thank you! I'll hug another tree just for you.

Hello again. It made me laugh when I realised that you were a ma'am. I just surprised myself, I guess, by not noticing, somehow. I guess I was quite focussed on the words as it were. No, the gender wasn't an issue at all and I had genuinely assumed you to be an appreciative and mellow dude, or droog. I think it's a healthy error to make and not an issue. I like food but have gone all healthy, although it's very tasty food that I eat, as I tend to make my own and I know what you mean about evening eating. Some call it snacking, but if a full cooked meal is a snack, fine, we'll call it one of them :).

It's nice to be appreciated and the feeling's mutual. I've enjoyed your comments and your introduce yourself post was really good, which is why I Re-Steemed it. I'm sure the tree will appreciate it and if you were to speed up the next fifty years of the tree's life, you would see the tree do a high five for you.

On your last picture you appear to have six fingers (five and a hidden thumb) on your left hand. Just saying :). Steemit went down last night and just before it did, before I retired, I was uploading a video and clicked on the wrong one, so clicked on delete and it uploaded. Not a good move at all. I've apologised, but no way to delete it, so it's on my record, so to speak ha, ha, ha.

I was just thinking that you're no end of surprises. First, you're a woman! Then, you've got six fingers on one hand! Whatever next?

Thank you, for your kind comments and on behalf of the next tree that you hug (or you could tickle a mushroom), thank you.

I've never tickled a mushroom..that'll have to go on my to do list. Homemade meals are the best since they are made to satisfy your tastes (and you work up an appetite while cooking). I had no idea what sixth finger you were talking about until I realized that the angle of my palm was what made it look weird. HA! Now I want to be known as the Sixth Fingered Woman. (Unless I meet Inigo Montoya...) Have a wonderful night gwb235!

I recommend mushroom tickling :) . It spreads their spores, but to be fair, I haven't done much myself, as I tend to do more mushroom flicking, and only at certain times of the year, of course :). But, enough mushroomery, although they do have some interesting qualities.

We agree on the food thing, then. I have various fancies and it's nice to be at liberty to choose what I would like to eat. It's sometimes limited by a financial decision, because less product is more cost for some reason. Anything with the word free in the name, costs considerably more than items with more ingredients.

Erm....... I'm just slowly lowering my right, big toe onto the tip of the fragile, speckled eggshell, as I begin my journey across a sea of the same, whilst my utterance vibrates the piercing shards that will shatter my carpet of micro-fine, porcelain alabaster cupolas.

The above is an attempt to express the deliberateness and carefulness of my words, as I try to explain why I would change the word 'sixth' in your post, to the word 'six'. But, having had a look at Inigo ("My Name Is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father, expect to die"), I am guessing that you would rather leave the post be, just in case Inigo turns up out of the blue.

Anyway, have a lovely day/evening and I'm sure you'll be getting dryer weather than it is here, right now. Thank you, for your reply :).