A humble musician / My presentation in Steemit
and I am from Venezuela

I am a person who likes music, art, photography,
the gastronomy of my country, travel, video games, among other things. but
above everything mentioned above, I lean more towards the
music and art.

Music has influenced my life a lot since I was a child when I was just
He was a 4-year-old boy, he watched the different television programs and
Tenulas on DVD. I was very impressed by the sounds of the environment
in different series that I previously saw and even took control to
I kept the part of the melodies that I liked the most and repeated them
and again!. Not to mention the great opening and ending of the
anime that happened at that time.
Back then, even with how much I was struck by the music had not received me in the exam or receive classes
in a music school for children until one day I meet
in the city of Maracay, I got on public transport, then a boy
Christian climbed into the unit and began to play and sing. I loved it
his enthusiasm and way of playing, he really had good sound and he was
I noticed the passion in what I was doing despite not being in front of
thousands of spectators, it was at that time that I decided to play the
guitar. Today I am a Christian and I play guitar, bass and drums in the
church where I attend approximately from the 12 years.
Going back to the story! .. Start to gather with the money they gave me
my parents until I got what I needed and bought an acoustic guitar
ethics, great! but my fingers still did not have enough reach and
It made it difficult for me to be able to touch and take a correct posture when
execute the instrument, without the help of an instructor or internet
to practice on my own until I start to see better results
in my technique, but still needed the help of a teacher and me
I enrolled in the music school of my city where today I am
working doing what I like.
My first steps

Experiment to study the classical guitar and play very cultured and fine songs from that era and musicians like Johan Sebastian Bach, Bethoven, Mozart, among others. I had the opportunity to play with musicians from the soul llanera program and form this guitar orchestra led by the musical director and guitarist Pedro Andrés Pérez

A few years later with a lot of sacrifice I managed to buy a guitar
Warsburn and I joined the Popular Music Program and Other
Genres (PMPOG). Every time I wanted to know more about my instrument and get it out
To the maximum advantage, I began to play a wide range of genres and styles.
those that allowed me to grow as a guitarist, surrounding myself with people
who love music just like me and always with the desire to learn something
new from each of them.

Big Band Jazz Guárico

A year after entering the popular music program, they invited me to be part of the Big Band Jazz Guárico where I began to understand a little more about the responsibility that must be had when playing in a large group and knowing the parameters of the music when playing the instruments together.

In the concert that can be seen in the images was my first concert as part of the Big Band and the beginning of great musical experiences in this short time that I have been part of it, whether participating in large or small events, playing in high schools and schools for young people and children to be interested in this great world of music.

Moments with great friends and teachers
These are some of the moments that I shared with great
teachers of the PMPOG and the band SipaganBoys.

I am currently working as a guitar teacher and
of the Popular Music and Other Genres Program in San Juan de
Los Morros, this program that has given the opportunity to receive
Free musical teaching in the chairs of:
- electric guitar
- Electric bass
- Keyboard
- Saxophone
- Drums
- Popular song
- Musical language
- Modern Harmony and improvisation classes
We all know the crisis that Venezuela is going through and many
musicians are making the decision to leave the country, as they have
made many teachers, a salary of a music educator here
It's not enough to buy a good set of strings and a lot of
us an instrument for a child who has the desire that their
parents can buy it, everything is with a lot of sacrifice.
Despite all this, I try to get ahead in the program and help
giving to the adolescents and children who still attend to see their classes,
complying with the academic activities, rehearsing all the
days and enjoying being able to play and make music even in the middle of
so many problems that this country is going through.
I made the decision to join Steemit since many of my
musicians friends have recommended me this social network that
value and reward all artists who publish their
quality content that in many places is not valued.
as it should be. I thank God for blessing me
with the music and you know that He will not fail to miss my family!
So friends remain optimistic and work towards
fulfill your dreams and goals so everything is collapsing
Around, it's never too late to dream and keep learning.

Hello Kevin
I wish I would have been more like you at your age!