Greetings Steemit...

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


I heard about Steemit on those other social media platforms that have gone full fascist on censorship lately. Weird from a society that claims to value transparency.

I post mainly about politics. I don't identify as left or right wing as labels divide (as is the intention). There are many serious issues facing us as a species today, most of which we can all find common ground beyond labels and ideology. The current system is intended to keep us fighting amongst ourselves and not paying attention to what our "leaders" are really doing, but ultimately the opposing parties have more in common than differences. Their ultimate function is to advance the interests of corporations and the wealthy, at the expense of the rest of us.

Due to the #RussiaGate fraud concocted, co-ordinated and paid for by the DNC, we are in the midst of a new Cold War, which increasingly threatens to warm up very quickly. Russia have been wrongly slandered because the DNC's pet candidate (whom they rigged the primaries to cheat Bernie Sanders for) lost, and this is the cover up.

Despite the fact these allegations have not been proven, in fact, available evidence from Disobedient Media's Elizabeth Vos, Adam Carter and the Forensicator, we now have proof it was a "leak" not a "hack". MSM have been willfully pushing this false narrative and Russia has been subjected to unjust sanctions and a global smear campaign. Up until now they have been the "adult in the room", now the US are killing Russians in Syria blatantly, this could change very quickly.

We as a planet cannot risk nuclear proliferation and the increased risk of nuclear engagement. No one is going to "win" that confrontation. We need to question the official narratives, and seek the truth and share with others.

But most of all to unite, put our petty differences aside and stop the warmongers from endangering us all.

Would love to connect with others whom feel the same way.

Still getting my head around this platform so please be gentle :)

#NoWar #PeaceNow


Welcome to Steemit my friend!

hello @govt4thepeople and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.

Hi Ric, I am looking forward to getting familiar with the community and discussing our common interests.

Welcome to steemit. Congratulations, you were selected for a random upvote! Follow @godwinimo and upvote my post to increase your chance of being upvoted again!

Hey there! Good to see ya. 💖

Hey thanks Hope :)

Welcome aboard. I'm looking forward to your opinions and posts. I daresay we'll agree on the meat and potatoes and may quibble about the trimmings.