ALOHA, Steemy people!! Check out my first post on Steemit, written in paradise...

First off...

I’m SO grateful to be able to connect with you all like this!


The timing of the arrival of Steemit couldn't be more perfect, would you agree?

"Change" is the ONLY constant and if we resist change, then we are limiting ourselves and the potential of all the amazingness we can achieve...

Hi. :D

My name is Lizel, and I'm an advocate for you to live the life of your dreams!

I am a Dream Life Coach with Future You, helping you bridge the gaps in reality between where you currently are in life and where you ideally want to be in the future.

My husband (Jason) and I enjoy being healthy and kind to our bodies and minds by eating fresh, local, organic + non-GMO food, going hiking, surfing, snorkeling, and taking a relaxing island drive every so often…

I’m obsessed with:

  • tropical flowers
  • beach sunsets
  • açai bowls
  • learning about the subconscious mind
  • positive affirmations
  • inspirational/motivational TED talks
  • dreams
  • having fun
  • our little 6-lb Yorkie pup named Sylvester
  • making people smile :)

I truly believe that visions and dreams come to us for a reason, and that it’s up to US to listen and design strategies around any blocks to make them happen.

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So guess what?

I didn’t always live in Hawaii…

You’re just meeting me at this particular point in my life...

Not too long ago, Jason and I were just like most of you. Up until last summer, we were both living "busy" lives in Orange County, CA, working in corporate: I worked in the medical field so I had to wear a name badge with my picture on it and had to clock in and out every time I left and returned to the building; Jason was in sales and had business cards, his own direct line and a gray cubicle with no windows and two giant desktop screens sitting on his desk.

We lived this 40+ hr work life every week for a long time, driving home after sunset to meet each other at home just to ask things like, "What's for dinner?" and "So... what do YOU want to watch on Netflix?"

It got old fast.

We knew we weren't living our dream life...



It was time for us to reclaim our lives, reclaim our marriage, and reclaim our sanity! We realized that in the space where we were, which was between a hard place and a big fat ugly rock, we just HAD to make some new choices if we wanted to thrive.

Last summer, we finally did it. We chose to quit our 9-5 jobs, sell our house, follow our dreams, throw our little dog into a bag, and move to paradise!

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We scoured all over the internet for “how to make money online” and we found a whole new world out there of fresh opportunities and pathways that led OUT of the box… Some scammy, while others, NOT so scammy.

Since then, we've learned a lot... Like, a LOT a lot, about building successful online businesses, transitioning from 9-5’ers to living a laptop lifestyle on a tropical island, how to sell a house full of crap to become minimalists, bringing a dog to the state of Hawaii, etc... and I want to share with you all of our secrets, mindset tips, life hacks, and logistical experiences of switching from my past life to living my current dream in paradise here on Steemit!

I have so much to share with you and I’m really excited to be a part of this new community!

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Mahalo (thank you) for your time, and any votes you choose to give my posts, and I look forward to inspiring and motivating you to keep going and achieve that freakin dream already! Because I KNOW it’s possible. :D

OH! And one last thing…

I challenge you Steemers to comment below this post and share with me what YOUR big dream is! ;)

FILL IN THE BLANK: “One day, I will ________.”

Til next time...

-Lizel Zeager


Hey, I have just joined and i post about travel if you would like to follow me :) Also i have a free giveaway on my post

Hey @sydneyboy! Cool!! Thanks so much :)

Welcome to Steem @futureyou I have sent you a tip

Thank you @bottymcbotface!!! Love your name too hehe <3

Aloha! Nice to have you on board, Lizel! You are going to love it here! Follow me at

Aloha Lizel, welcome to Steemit!!
Great introduction ♥
You will do very well on this platform.

One day, I will own property.

E malama pono
Take care

Aloha @quaintrelle! Thank you so much!! LOVE YOUR DREAM... I'm right there with ya sister. See you around! xo

Wow so much you obsess for !! It is great that you can surely tell and teach us many things :) ..Welcome to the family .. would love to read more posts by you .. keep posting
Upvoted the post!
You Can check my blog and follow me @utfull if you like
Will follow you back! See you around.

Awesome @utfull!! Thank you for the kind words and the warm welcome. Happy to be here and connect with you too! :)

Welcome aboard!
Looking forward to see quality content from you 😉
Let's follow each other @mirage

Thanks @mirage! Awesome. Let's do it, so happy so connect with you! :)

Thank you @osmanbugra! Appreciate the steemy welcome ;)