I guess an introduction is in order so here are some clues: French, Australian, 51, woman, has an opinion on everything
I will start by saying that I intending to add some photos, but imgsafe.org is down and ipfs.pics is too busy. So next time I guess!
I know what you are thinking. Over 50 brings images of comfortable clothing (elastic pants), comfortable shoes and menopause.
Well you would be quite correct except for the fact that I don't quite fit that image (working very hard not to).
Regarding all the external appearance stuff and attitude that's easy enough. Menopause not so much but I won't go into that subject today (It's Sunday, the sun is shining and I don't feel sarcastic enough).
Where from?
So expanding on the title, I am a French/Australian or Australian/French 51 years old woman.
My name is Carole and I was born in Normandy, France in 1964 to a middle class family with a fairly interesting upbringing to be clarified at a later date (maybe. I don't know).
I live in Brisbane, capital city of sunny Queensland. I have been in Australia since 1989 and arrived from England with my ex-husband and our 18 months old son through one of the last immigration push for people working in the hospitality industry. My ex husband was an executive chef at the time and I was an experienced waitress. We benefited from the aura that still exists today when it comes to French people and the food industry (You tell someone you are French and they automatically assume that you are a food and wine expert and can cook with your eyes closed and your hands tied behind your back).
How do I (have I) make (made) a living?
Since I started my working life I have a great variety of jobs from selling cheeses at a local market, proofreading weapons catalogues in German, English, Spanish and French (I was desperate for money at the time...), working for a tiler cutting tiles, chauffeuring a Spanish business man through France, Switzerland and Spain, running a window cleaning business, translating Japanese movies from English to French (subtitles), becoming a travel agent through a partnership, working in restaurants and nightclubs. Presently working for the Queensland government for WorkCover.
I do like a bit of variety!
Other stuff:
I have two adult sons and I am a grandmother to a gorgeous (yes I know!) 18 months old boy. They all live in Palm Cove, North Queensland (= paradise).
I live with my 66 years old partner of 12 years who works in the construction industry as a civil works inspector (a kind of referee for work sites with a whistle and the cards in his shirt pocket).
That's nice now what?
So I guess what will I talk about and how am I going to attract your attention?
Am I correct in assuming that the majority of Steemers are in the younger bracket?
If that's the case a bit of experience and maturity might be needed. Don't underestimate the value of having lived for half a century. I'm just glad I made it this far...
I have many passions and interests all stemming from circumstances, needs, curiosity, an over active brain, boredom and stumbling blindly through life and bumping into things.
- Cooking (doh) and collecting cookbooks (I have about 100 or so).
- Science-fiction and fantasy (currently reading all the Neil Gaiman books).
- Astronomy (I actually have two telescopes).
- Science in general.
- Studying. I am always learning something new. Currently finishing a Nutrition and Wellness course. Starting a study of the Magna Carta tomorrow.
- Photography. Some of my photos have been published in travel guide books.
- Daydreaming.
- Giving advice (whether you've asked for it or not).
- Eating and excercising (the second one out of necessity).
- Trying to live a normal life while battling a chronic illness for the last 20 years (Meniere's disease).
This list is of course expandable and I will also talk about current affairs.
Being French is tricky business these days and the last few days have been quite challenging for my state of mind.
Happy Steeming! (or is it Steemiting?)
Welcome to Steemit! :) You can use imgur.com to upload pictures. :)
Delighted to have you!
Here are some tips if you're not aware of already:
or for#test
onlyGreat intro! Welcome froginoz. You can use postimage.org when other image hosts are acting up. Actually as long as the Steemit image proxy is working you can use imgur.com now too.
Hello and welcome to the Steemit community!
There are all kinds of people here, and more coming everyday. Stellabelle is one of our most prolific and well rewarded writers and she also has years of life experience.
This is a really nice intro post and I look forward to hearing more about your life's adventures. Best wishes!