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RE: Is my username causing my failure on steem ( or is it just what I am posting?)

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

keep it, it caught my eye right off the bat with your insult contest!
how is that going by the way? Between me and the other guy I think I should win. LOL
You need to start thinking and acting positive.
Start today. On a piece of paper write the number "8" and put it in your wallet.
Then whenever your not really doing anything repeat in your head or out loud " I pay my bills with ease and I always have plenty of money"
Now watch money start coming in. I really works, but you must believe in it. Whenever I do it, my phone starts making cha ching with eBay sales or I will have a customer call and need me to come work. My sister swears by it. My employee has it written on his mirror in his room, the first time he did it a guy who owed him money for a long time stopped by and paid him. His girlfriend had her 8 in an old purse next to he JCPenney card and out of the blue, she got a check from JCP for some overpayment.
You must believe. It really does work and has worked for every person I have told about this.
Hint I wrote my 8 in green


I hear you about positivity, but positivity is why I am living on the streets. Every time I tried telling my dad about my problems he said, think positive, take it one day at a time. A know what? Nothing ever got any better, living day to day bit me in the ass because I didn't start preparing for the negative. I appriacte the advice, but this doesn't work in all cases

I pay my bills with ease, and I alway have plenty of money
The power of 8

I pay my bills with ease, and I alway have plenty of money
The power of 8

lol - guy pays his bills with ease and boast about it to a guy that's struggling and homeless... Nice. Your the epitome of my very existence.

First off I'm not a guy
Second you obviously did not read my previous reply about how to use the power of 8
Pay attention. You didn't read it, then pass judgement on me. No surprise you are where you are.

Wow the word "guy" is figurative, I could care less what sex you are. I am where I am because my entire life was destroyed by a crooked lawyer that was in charge of all my families assets. Try reading some of my earlier posts. I went from having a $20 million dollar net-worth to nothing overnight, because of on going litigation. I still spend a lot of my time fighting this battle, while no longer having access to the over 100k a month of cash-flow that my businesses use to generate. I came to this POS platform to tell my story and no one cared.

It is easy to lay judgement on people, its a lot harder to actually take the time and figure out what went wrong. Having millions of dollars stolen from you by a person who is overtaken by greed, is no fault of my own. It is the fault of the criminal justice system that enables these people to walk freely, after they have been proven guilty.


This person use to babysit me as a child, so you could imagine how much worse these events were, considering that they were perpetrated by someone that was essentially family.