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RE: INTRODUCTION: "I think earth might be flat. Why do we trust NASA so much...?"

All NASA media, such as "ISS's videos of it flying around the Earth" are fake CGI, much like hollywood space movies. Eric Dubay is a name you could research further if you feel skeptical or fearful of anonymous usernames. Peace be with you.


No thanks. Did you watch the engineer's videos? He proves the Earth isn't flat.

He sits in a chair, talking. I did not find it conclusive as evidence. It is not my task to explain an engineers work or instruments. I would like to see it, personally if possible? I am certain you will find 10 more "proofs" - in 10 minutes. It must be easy, you'd have proofs coming out your ears, if it were true....

If you bothered to listen to it, he is explaining the experiments he does in the next videos.

One is where he stands on a beach across from the Chicago city buildings. He takes a calculation. Then he goes high up the beach and takes another calculation. It proves without any doubt that the Earth is a sphere.

Of course you don't want to watch it because it simply and easily disproves your theory.

It's really cool I have fans now. Thanks so much for always replying, it's flattering! If I have not even watched it, how would I know it so "simply and easily disproves your theory"?

We can play the have you watched game. Have you watched the video about the moon landing above?

You have sent this video to me previously, I recognise it. Other than this guy, whatdya got? lets have it..

Yet again you failed to provide 10 more proof examples... lets cut it down to just 5.. ? Any other proofs , at all..? Im desperate.

I'm not your fan. This is how Steemit works. We reply. I could have simply muted you, but I'm hoping to learn something new. Please argue your case. That's what I'm doing.

Let's cover one topic at a time, shall we? We can talk about the Moon later.

Other than this guy? He uses modern day readily available equipment and easy math to dispute your claim.

You don't like his video, ehh? I'm shocked. /sarc I believe he discussed three ways he planned to prove his case. No, it's not 5 or 10, but then... It is easy math and a simple process. We have to have 10 ways, or it is automatically wrong?

@finnian It is always same with them. They never try to have conversation with arguments because thier mind in stubbornly set on 'it is flat'

Sadly, it seems the majority of people will easily believe absurdities.

"Certainly any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices." --Voltaire

Steemit is brilliant & I am thankful for your replies, as you've failed to answer my questions again, and again. I will include our convo in the next post! Im sure you fathom my point; if it's a spinning globe, find me more evidence than your one hit wonder?!! It's a one trick donkey show, clinging to your strand of "evidence" - a fat guy in a library talking, who went to a beach with some instruments. Hardly conclusive, and you have literally NOTHINGELSE...?