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RE: Introducing FarmsteadSmith!
More proof that I'm real...
I have made a huge mistake and fat finger pasted over and deleted my super special password for this account. :( And no, unfortunately my browser did not save the password.
If you are still interested in following my mishaps... please head to @farmstead.
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and comment. I apologize for being a super lame newb and making such a fatal error. I hope at some point I can delete this account or something.
PS. Did you know you could shake your iPhone to undo in the notes app? I didn't, until it was too late. RIP
Scratching my head how you managed to post from the old account about the error and the new account? lol - and no, I won't use apple product, so I couldn't have told you how that worked in the slightest hehe. I'm an anti-apple anti-fanboi and have been since the 80s. At least I am consistent. I'll come follow your new tag now :)
You can still sign in with your posting key thing. The first one in your wallet. But without the master super special key that they TELL YOU NOT TO DAMN WELL LOSE... you can't transfer monies or anything. As is my understanding anyway... Search for some lost password posts. Golly... can't sign in to see the master pass thing without the super special pass. Thank you for hopping over!
Don't worry. I work in tech - I saved mine 57 ways the first day :)