As long as you put the source of where someone else may find it ; everything will be fine - a lot of people link their stuff with a boarder at the bottom of each post, where they can find their other social media pages or what ever information they are contributing to other platforms .
I know a few people with youtube and twitch and other social media platforms, and they place all of their information right at the bottom after all of their posts - as to say " you can follow me - here and here and here - and blah blah blah "
It looks the same on the other end ; if you are using something like twitter, you can post your steemit profile at the end of that, or same with facebook .
I have linked my facebook page for my business with my actual profile recently - so if you click my profile it will show my business facebook page .
I think you can add more ; although most people just post everything at the bottom of each post .