I'm Dr Washington Sanchez, developer of OpenBazaar and co-founder of OB1
Who Am I
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drwasho
Onename: https://onename.com/drwasho
Keybase: https://keybase.io/drwasho
Medium: https://medium.com/@drwasho
What I Do
I'm one of the developers of OpenBazaar, which is a decentralized marketplace for goods and services that uses Bitcoin for payments. I'm also the co-founder of OB1, which is business that offers services to OpenBazaar users in addition to leading the development of the project.
Why I Am Here
I'll be honest... I'm pretty sceptical of the Steem project, but I can't deny it has raised the market's attention. I'm here to explore the platform for myself.
What Else
I guess I can I answer your questions about OpenBazaar if you have them, or decentralized marketplaces in general.
Hash: SHA512
Proof that I published: "I'm Dr Washington Sanchez, developer of OpenBazaar and co-founder of OB1"
Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.55
Comment: https://keybase.io/crypto
Welcome Dr. Washington! Enjoy your exploration!
How's OpenBazaar going? Would it be easy to integrate other forms of payment like Steem Dollars or other crypto to OB?
OpenBazaar released the 1.0 series in April earlier this year. We've seen a lot of activity on the network despite many technical shortcomings that we knew we had to address in the following months. Personally I've made dozens of sales and purchased dozens of items, as have many others, which has been an awesome experience for our community.
We're working on the 2.0 series right now which will feature the following:
There are loads more that I'm not covering so I'll refer you to our official post on the upgrade: https://medium.com/@therealopenbazaar/openbazaar-2-0-p2p-trade-takes-the-next-step-4d75b7f23ec8#.se773ooso
No it wouldn't be easy because a lot of the contract and payment wiring is geared for Bitcoin. It's a pretty huge effort on our part to do this, and we have to be very strategic with our time. But this is an open source project, so we're happy to accept any great PRs that are submitted.
In the meantime, we recommend you use a service like ShapeShift.io and other exchanges to convert in and out of Bitcoin to the cryptocurrency of your choice. Also we plan to support plugins to make that process easier.
Great thx for the update and good to hear the progress! Yeah a bridge like Shapeshift and plugins would probably suffice.
Welcome @drwasho
wow ... na na na ...
Currently, your node has to be online in order for other peers to access your content, and these peers themselves don't host the content if you're offline. All of that will change with 2.0.
... damn amazing ....Welcome to steem!!!

We'll all shame and bully him relentlessly until OB supports steem payments :)
Welcome to you sir, I understand your skeptism, but im sure in time you will see the need for your platform to work in Steem and not just Bitcoins !! Time will tell like most things, but yeah maybe time enough for you to find a way of adapting your platform to get in on this very exciting world phenomenon called Steemit !!
If open bazzar somehow gets on smartphones via a super sleek app, we would be cookin with Rocketfuel.
Thanks for your contributions for liberty.
Thanks. Smartphones are huge... it is the future of ecommerce at least from a consumption POV. The upgrade to IPFS (v2.0 of OpenBazaar) will make running a full node on your smartphone possible, which is incredible if you think about it.
Thats a huge step, openbazzar could be a world changer. ISP's need to be decentralized next.
Also now I know what to do with all my old phones :p
yes this could be a big win for us all if people like this see the greater picture and possibility available to all here !! i was happy to see the word Liberty in your post, so i up voted you mate !
Liberty is the air that fills my lungs friend. -dave
Hello and welcome to STEEMIT.COM. Most here will tell you that a picture with "STEEMIT" and the date would Really work best, and undoubtedly pay out too. Check out the #introduceyourself for other successful one. Good Luck.
full $teem ahead!
Thanks, I'll remember that. I included the digital signature from Keybase which is probably more trustworthy than a picture, but I'll include a picture next time.
Edit: picture posted.
@drwasho I guess it helped to put a pic huh? Welcome to Steemit.com This place will change the world. When you can check out my recent post Dan & Ned Rule the World Thanks.
Full $TEEM Ahead!
yes they are!! I dont think he is convinced yet, but give him time and im sure he will get it before too long !! ; - )
I am sure he is glad he did it @gomeravibz It made a huge difference for his post. Anyhow swing by if you can....thanks for the up vote!
Hey Doc!

@drwasho Wow!
Speak of the devil and he comes walking in. It's an honor having you here. I was just raving about openbazaar in my latest blog posting where I discuss tools and options for dealing in a bank free world. https://steemit.com/steemit/@williambanks/your-bank-is-an-anachronism
I was mentioning that if there is enough interest, enough people upvoting the idea. That I would be more than happy to get the ball rolling on helping Open Bazaar into steem.
Just as I post that, your introduceyourself post came to my attention.
Anyways, welcome to steemit. I was skeptical too, but it doesn't take long for that feeling to go away. I look forward to discussing interesting stuff with you in the future. But either way, thanks for giving the world such a powerful innovation!
I have been using openbazaar for several months and am 100% certain it has the potential to be the defacto standard in global decentralized marketplaces.
OB is everything you love about eBay without all the things you hate from Paypal. The one recommendation I have for everyone reading this post is to install OB browse around and maybe buy something cheap for a buck or two to try it out. YOU WILL NEVER LOOK BACK.
Keep it up @drwasho you guys truly have a diamond in the rough.
Cheers PJ
Thanks. I'm proud of how far we've come, but there's still so much more to do for this to go mainstream!
hey there @drwasho !
nice to meet you and welcome to the best community over the Internet! 8]
Candor welcome @drwasho