Introduce my self
Hii steemit.....
Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya.
Setelah saya mendengar dan mempelajari tentang steemit dari kawan saya, saya sangat termotivasi untuk bergabung dengan program steemit ini. Jadi nama saya Devira Yuda Armaya dan saya tinggal di Aceh/ Indonesia tepatnya di kabupaten Aceh Utara dan propesi saya sekarang masih dalam masa mempelajari atau mendalami ilmu-ilmu, baik itu ilmu agama ataupun ilmu umum lainnya. Yaitu sebagai mahasiswa universitas malikussaleh jurusan teknik informatika'17.
Bergabungnya saya di sini dengan sangat berharap untuk bisa saling kenal mengenal dengan teman-teman dan hendaknya dengan adanya teman-teman dapat membantu saya dalam mempelajari ilmu steemit lebih dalam, dengan dukungan dan bantuan teman-teman saya sangat berterima kasih. Dan saya sangat berharap dengan adanya informasi dari teman-teman saya dapat mempelajari banyak ilmu nantinya pun demikian dengan informasi-informasi yang saya paparkan hendaknya berguna bagi saya dan bagi teman-teman nantinya.
Atas perhatian teman-teman saya ucapkan banyak terimakasih....
I'm excited to meet you on this platform. Welcome to Steemit. Explore and have fun.
Thankyouu! I hope you can help me for more info!
Very beautiful picture! Welcome! Some things I've noticed people don't mention too often that could have helped me early on in my Steemit adventures are:
-a (nearly) complete interactive page that gives you a better overall experience and overview of what is really happening on your steem page.
If your going to buy upvotes for post promotion try and follow grumpy cat and his rules...
Check out @kennyskitchen and his introduceyourself post tips it is extremely helpful and informative!
I have been having fun using to create memes for the steemit blockchain. It's a smaller version of the bigger guys meme site. I have received a lot of organic upvotes large and small from this site. I invite you to try and make some memes! It connects via steemconnect to your steemit account. You make your memes there and then it posts to your page
Any questions or comments or just want to chat about steemit? Join us at
Thankyouu! I hope you can help me for more info!
Hi !! Welcome to the community! Steemit has a lot of potential and so do you. Do not forget that! Steemians earn when somebody upvotes their posts or comments. While Steemit is blogging, it's all about socializing as well. You can make some friends here. Engage and try to socialize.
The best way to be rewarded is to expect nothing! Focus on your content. We call them articles and you of course as authors. If you provide good quality contents people will come to your blog and read them. Upvotes are of course the biggest bonuses..... I really liked the way you introduced yourself it was interesting description I'll surely follow you for more interesting stuffs.

Thankyouu! I hope you can help me for more info!
To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.
Thankyouu! I hope you can help me for more info!
hi devirayudaarmaya, it’s nice to see new face on steemit, hope you will spread positive vibes in steemit.and keep up the good work on steemit...;-) and be regular on steemit it will make grow you faster... ;-)
Welcome to steemit , upvoted you will regularly do on your good work , for newbie tips and basic information you can check my blog at @adityajainxds
some of the important website you need to now. (username) (username)
This one you need a must to sign up beause you will get more followers and more upvote by everyupvote and lastly the more points the more SBD. Try it and grow yourself
You Have My Back.....
Thanks @adityajainxds
Thankyouu! I hope you can help me for more info!
Penulisan yang bagus,
Tolong bantu vot saya
Terima kasih, jangan lupa vote sy juga!
Selamat bergabung di steemit...👍
Hehe iyaa thx you