This is Debugger
This is Debugger
First of im not a panda, in body at least, in mind some people would probably argue that i am.
Going to keep it anon for now and felt weird doing a introduction post without a picture, seems like steemit tradition.
I will mostly blog/write about crypto so my introduction will be bout how i got in to finance and crypto.
Hi, Im a 26 year old male swede, ive been in the cryptospace in and out. Started with stocks tho.
It all started with my first job.
Just out of school 18 years old, lucky me go somewhat high paying job quite fast, in a small town.
Not used to spend/have money, and did not really have any hobbies what required it either.
I started to accumulate some money that i did not really think much about.
An a lot older work collage that don't really have to work anymore but still do for fun i guess, and i believe he needs something that force a schedule on him. Anyways he became somewhat of a mentor and got me into stocks, for a while at least. Did not invest more and forgot about it.
2 years later ive gained 106% and i realized that you actually could make money on this, duuh.
Started to trade this time not just investing, Pobably overtraded alot when i look back on it now.
This was about the same time as i first read about Bitcoin (late 2011)
Always been a in to tech and computers used to have like a wannabee hacker dream haha.
So did prowl around alot on some darknet forums/sites etc, and started to mine some btc/ltc and manged to sell small botnets for btc.
Traded Btc and lost it all in the gox hack. Felt angry and just forgot about it.
Started to trade stocks again, more and more, with guidance if my work college. One day i Saw some news on my stock exchange that hey where going to lunch a BTC CFD. (2015)
This trigged my interest once more, read alot about it. Just saw the big fall and kept tabs on it. I did not really think BTC would survive. Believed in the tech but the world was not really ready for it.
Traded crypo again since late 2015.
Wow this really became a rant,was just going to type Hello World.
Hi @debugger, welcome aboard :) I hope you'll enjoy this place as I do :) happy Steeming
Thanks, been reading here alot lately, maby time to start contribute and be a bit social.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Steemit, enjoy and explore!
Welcome to Steemit! :)
Thank you
Hi welcome! :)
Hi mate!
Welcome to the community! Follow me at
nice stroy )
Thanks :)
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