Hello Out There...
My name is Debra, Deb to most. Debreena is my husband's nickname for me. It makes me laugh, so using it for this forum. (bloody hell... I have to learn yet another bit of software...) Other names I have had is from my old Renaissance faire days when I was PotWench. I was a potter/sculptor, specializing in dragons, wizards and wenches with huge "tracts of land" figures and such. My "blahg" uses hearthwench, I spend late summer and fall in the kitchen canning up the season's garden haul. Yeah... well...
I am many things- Mom, wife, nana, crafter, housewife, gardener, cook, soap-maker, DIY'er, tarotist and so on. I am always making something or working on something. My hands do not like to stay still. I have a "blahg" at http://hearthwench.blogspot.com. Though it has almost been a year, I post recipes for canning, cooking, various crafts I have made, DIY projects, my veggie gardens and other stuff that are guaranteed to bring on deep sleep to most.
The avatar I use is a photo of my youngest grandson when they visited us for the first time when he was 1 year old. The photo doesn't show that Papa also has his fingers up his nose. laughing... I love good humor, hence the grandson pic.
This photo is when the youngest grandson was born, almost 6 years ago. I look the same- if I put on some eye-color and add a little more silver to the hair. As for one to verify and with a Steemit logo and all that? Yeah, well, Some day.
I learned about Steemit from @daniarnold, being a member of the #unfuckers through her RTS website, never having been part of the Fartbook scene. I watched Dani and Lisa on Youtube for years.
I have been into many areas of "woo-woo" almost all of my life. It isn't something you tell many people unless you want people acting like you have not showered for a while when you are near, not that I live near many people. I live in the forest, in the mountains. I am empathic, meaning you "feel" things. Cities make me very uncomfortable. Crowds? Forget it.
That's it. I know... yawn. I hope to share recipes, how to make your own personal products or links to great recipes, growing your own food, and so on. I do tell about mistakes and try to get photos of them. I think knowing how to NOT do something is just as good. I will also post any woo-woo stuff as it comes up.
As I usually end- Loves and hugs... Or not, if it creeps you out.
welcome join steemit, give your imagination here.
Thank you @hranur. Imagination is my fav trait.
Hello Debra, nice to meet you. To get started quickly, see the tips and tricks at Steemit in a minute. Happy blogging 😃
Thank you @gsxr. The first thing I did was read everything, all the howto's, and bookmarked those I will need to look at as I muddle through. ;D
Great intro, Congratulations ! Welcome to STEEMIT! It's an awesome community. i hope you go enjoy here. keep it up. Best of luck
Thank you. I agree, this looks to be an interesting place. I tend to be busy offline, digging in dirt (growing food), during the summer, but I hope I can contribute something useful you all.;)
Welcome to Steemit @debreena!
I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.
Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
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How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?
Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman
Cool! Thank you. I will go through those all. I joined, introduced, then got lost in many projects offline. I'm sorry for being so late in replying. So far, Steemit is nicely laid out, the welcomes and info to help are great. The bitcoin stuff has me blinking and going off for coffee. ;D
hi:) welcome to steemit:) cant wait for your recipe tips:)
Thank you! I will try to get at least one recipe posted a month, along with my mistakes. laughing... Being the crafty sort, cooking tweaks my creativity a bit more. It is fun to make something that tastes great from scratch. I leave out the nutritional stuff, though I use organic items. If you do not tell the younger ones the stuff they are eating is healthy, they will love it. Your first tip. ;D
Hello, Debra. Welcome to Steemit community. Just visited your "blahg" and read many awesome posts! Hope you share your recipe and other tips on Steemit world
Thank you! I will most likely start posting here more than the blahg. I get busy on projects and tend to not get online and post things, remember to get something up, then get sidetracked by another project... laughing...
Welcome @debreena. You are so cute. Steemit is a great place to find friends and have fun. Count me in as one of your new friends. Looking forward to see your upcoming posts. Enjoy
Thank you @soulart. I am laughing at the "cute". I am decades past cute. I have good genes, looking a little younger than my years. My daughter and I were carded until our thirties (she is in her mid-30s). In my heart, I feel younger. After days of digging in the garden, way older. laughing...
Hello and welcome to Steemit. I'm Steward, but everyone calls me Stew and it's a pleasure to meet you. You'll find the Steemit community is very warm and welcoming and here's a post to help answer some of your questions:
The Ultra Beginner's Guide to Steemit- What to do 1st
Also, if you'd like to know more about me: My Steemit Intro

I look forward to reading your posts, pleasure meeting you and hope you stay in touch. Welcome to Steemit!
Thank you Stew. Nice to meet you too.
Welcome to Steemit please let me know if there is anything I can assist you with
Thank you @tonymullins. I will scream out if needed. ;D