Introducing my nomad self in pictures and words

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Hi family of steemit!

I signed up yesterday, and over time I hope to meet some good friends here on steemit and meet up IRL on my travels.

I've been dreaming of being a part of a big, kind, fun, adventurous, traveling family of 10-50 people moving between countries together. The pictures below are from one attempt of creating such a community.

We had fun but had different plans and freedom levels, I'll still keep trying forever. :)

If we seem like minded or share interests and you will be in Philippines, Singapore, the rest of Asia, California or Sweden in 2019 let's see if we can do some fun and productive meet ups and collabs!

This post turned out way too long, but I hope some enjoy it in some way!





For my whole life I have had lots of anxiety about how people would gossip and talk about me if I was in any form of center of attention, so I would make myself as invisible as possible and leave 99% of my videos, photos and art in hard drives, besides a few times when I could not say no to the chance of representing some idea or project somewhere.

In march 2018 I decided to face my fear of people's opinions and start to express myself more on the internet, post some videos and so on. It's been a year of many times feeling like a loser compared to what I try to do/be, but I will keep doing it and I only regret starting so late.

The best way to fight my fear was to do what I was afraid of and understand that the people who looked down on me are free to do so, it's none of my business and has all to do with them, little to do with me.


Still happy I didn't eat concrete on this one. L.A. River

Oups... Breaking Braille property. Oakland S.F.

Venice Beach <3

Interviewing young, successful people who are also striving upwards, yet have already come so far in doing things similar to what I wish I did in their age or even now, is both fun, inspiring and tough at the same time, to be honest. I'mDontai, iLOVEFRIDAY duo Xeno Carr, Aqsa Maliq. Part 1 here.

Josh Levi

With Essen, I had her sign up on Steemit today. :)

No that I know that the Mako shark i was teasing is the fastest shark in the sea I'm happy I still have an arm to hold my gopro with. I really think it considered is friends and thought i was gonna feed it with the shiny fishlike camera.


This shark had eaten a huge swordfish but was still hungry enough that it wanted to chew on our rubber tube boat and we had to slap it over and over and it still came back haha. It was so weird.


Chris Record

Sam Tsui

Terryboy Gustave

The people who like who we are should be our focus. Those who don't like who we truly are should know who we are so they can stay away.

Before this I was focusing on the price of more people knowing about me, to have people being jealous or gossiping or talking badly about me, not liking attention that I would get.

Then I realized the much higher price: The like minded people I found on social media and would love to know has no idea of what I'm about, how like minded I am, what I am trying to do, how great I would fit into their channel, circle of friends or projects.

Goof interview in L.A. with a serious subcontext, veganism. I went fruitarian for 6 years in 2010 and now I've mixed mostly fruit and some vegan food from 2016 til now.

Fruit and veganism improved my life quality so much, I'm forever grateful.

Posting food or making food is really not me, but occasionally I make sweet, healthy (n)icecream from just frozen bananas and berries. This is in my home village (age 2-19). I had beautiful summers and lonely boring winters as a child.

I also stumbled on this photo of sweet raw balls from healthy dates, licorice root, coconut & karob.

Last summer visiting the small beach town I grew up in and now rarely spend time in. I only have one friend left from age 6 that I still see every year and this is him. I'm excited that him and his family will travel Asia next year and we can meet up.

Because I was invisible online, no one could stumble on me and find out what I was like and get inspired to meet up for adventures and collabs together. So now I'm trying to change, to work to become more visible, even if few cares.

I wish I did this earlier in life now that I realize how many chances I threw away. So from now on I'm training myself to show who I am and what I try to do, but I have still just pushed myself to get 1-5% of my videos and photos out, out of fear of people's reactions to it and also lack of motivation.

I like to design and create useful art that kids can climb on and skaters can skate on.
Here are some of them, maybe to small to really see?

A "LIVE FREE" brick ramp that I made an autumn when I dreamed of being free enough to travel to the sun and adventure. Keeps reminding me of how blessed I am now, while it also sends a healthy message to the kids. :)

Skateboarding on a LOVE sculpture I made to promote love at a time when I was a bit of a victim of a crime.

Sometimes I get excited to do things partly because they are weird and fun. That's how I came to build this skateboard car in Sweden, and also how I came to ship it to South Africa and drive around and skate at children's homes and with street kids.

I wish I had enough money to do more half crazy things like that to bring smiles and laughs to people (don't we all?), so that is part of why I regret so much not investing in crypto in 2010 when I had money but invested in something with little to no return.

This is also why I am really determined to go more and more into crypto now despite my losses from crypto going in at the exactly wrong time in late 2017, to maybe be able to do more things like this and much more odd things in some years from now.


I'm not a fan of GMO, Monsanto, Syngenta or round up so I happily accepted to join the march against Monsanto.

When a grumpy elephant tells you to sit down and shut the F up you should obey. I did sit down and talk more quietly. For a few seconds I was a bit concerned for the safety of my Swedish visitor. Later I moved to a house with elephant guests and got used to having both peaceful and grumpy elephants right in front of me.




In a safe cage putting my gopro by the mouth of a 6 meter great white who got stuck on the cage. I was considering if I could get away with breaking the rules and touch the teeth and chin but I was scared that skipper "Sharkman" Mike Rutzen would get very angry with me since he just told me it was bad to touch sharks. I decided to respect the rules and I will always regret that my hand is not on the tooth in this picture an video. At least until i get the chance to do it right.

I was extremely determined and focused to meet a playful whale and some dolphins and the others stayed in the boat because of high waves and lot's of sharks attracted by the sardine migration, so I think that I did deserve to get lucky with this upside down humpback whale selfie. Even got a dolphin in there. :)

I was also very lucky that this X ton whale tail fin swooshed right by me without breaking me when the whale was diving down.

Isn't it ironic that I was doing all these things that could get me injured yet I was so scared of a big, very harmless thing on my bucket list that I had suppressed it for 20 years. To just give people a chance of knowing who I dream of becoming and who I really am. At my best and at my worst.

I would travel in Africa at night and have to fight robbers and run away from people considering to murder me, I'd walk out dangerously close to irritated elephants, growling lions, rhinos, hippos and made some supposedly unsafe skydiving moves that I got criticized for and I was criticized for planning to base jump with too little skydive experience. I was swimming in great white shark populated water to get too close to a whale that in itself got inches from injuring me with the huge tail fin.

So now I've gotten started with showing my "at my best part". So far, I am yet to get the guts to show myself on video at my worst.

I have hours of videos from hospitals or from anxious or boring days and from days of big failure or regret that I am worried of posting.

In case it hasn't been obvious yet, I love animals, from dogs and cats to monkeys and the occasional mongoose.

Maybe blabbering about all these fears is some of the "at my worst"-part? Who am I to talk so much about myself? Who cares about some random person with no views? You know the feeling?

So I'm training myself to look at my videos with 0-30 views and no comments and think: At least I am not hiding anymore, let me just focus on living my life and sharing some of it in case someone out there in the future may find value in it or meet me because of it and turn into a good friend or project partner.

Now after a year, it gets a little easier, some have a few hundred views, but it is still nothing and so many hours that could be used for other things. Will it be worth it? Who knows.

You never know who you may comfort or even inspire or meet by just being your random self online or who you may meet in the future because of it.

I'm still way more comfortable with focusing on the reader or on my projects than I am focusing on myself, which is why I didn't do this introduceyourself post first of all my posts. But no it's done and a bit overly done perhaps?

Now this post turned into the opposite of what I was planning on.

I was planning pictures with a tiny bit of shallow descriptive text. Nothing deep and vulnerable to be anxious over, nothing time consuming and no book, keep it simple, no one wants to read much anyways.

Let me add those pics and short texts and call it a day. :)

Hmm, this is the roof of where I am right now, so why did I just spend two days in a row neglecting the pool and my work to post things on Steemit that maybe no one will have use of of like?

I guess I'm hoping that I will meet friends here that will be worth it or maybe a tiny hope of a following that will enable me to do good things for people.

Or maybe I just have little logic and self control at times and I get in a psychosis of sharing/creating that makes little sense at all? I'd say a combination.

Either way I hope to find some reason to be coming back to steemit and keep inviting my friends to join as I did with a couple of my two closest friends already.

Have a blessed day steemit peeps!

Other of my steemit posts so far:

What can I contribute on steemit & dtube? Reflection & Thank Yous after 100 hours of steemit addiction
dtube @essen.vicente on picking up girls & hers and your dreams.
dtube From 0 to 92 million views. iLOVEFRIDAY share their strategies
How the "Art of Happiness" audio could improve your life as it improved mine
How I lost $25.000 dollars on crypto and how you avoid it. AKA crypto beginners advice to crypto beginners.


I would love to thank you who resteemed this post!

Thanks @bashadow @futuremind & @steemstreems ! If there are more resteems let me know and I'll add you in future post.

Is there a place where I can see all who resteemed a certain post?

A few days after each post I would like to check who has resteemed add a thank you to them either in the post they shared or add a thank you to them in my next post (depending on what is most appreciated and works with edit resource cost).

Thank you so much The Introduceyourself Helpie Curation Incentive

@helpie @helpiecake and @futuremind for these words and in your post, that made my steemit week and made me feel that the time I put into my introduceyourself was appreciated.

Big THANK YOU to my first followers making it meaningful to post! Hopefully! : )

@futuremind @pennsif @anhvu @carlgnash @c-cubed @laniakea1 @shera2 @pgshow @stormlight24 @gibic @c-squared @mukhtarlc @skramatters @steemstreems @lorreli @grintsch @goat-girlz @marc5 @voteme @abcor @marcusmalone @weijin @raise-me-up

And of course a big thank YOU to anyone who commented and upvoted any of my posts

I appreciate it and that's why I try to upvote and answer everything, which I may or may not be able to always do on time. Now I may take some days off, but give me some feedback on my post about what you want me to post first Thank you!!!


Man awesome intro! So cool you shipped the car halfpipe to south Africa. The kids would have loved it🤘

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi and welcome here! When I started on steemit, my biggest problem was to find interesting people to interact with. So, to help newcomers getting started I created a directory with other interesting and or talented steemians to follow or interact with. Feel free to check it out at I am sure it will help you find like-minded people. Enjoy your stay here and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Thank you anonyvoter! I did spend almost an hour looking at and reading posts from people from your directory and commenting some and there are indeed interesting people. Great job with that one! Please let me know what I would need to do in order to qualify for it myself and I will give it some consideration. :)

Welcome to Steem! Thanks for sharing so much of your fear, outlook and experiences with us from the get-go! I have an appreciation for functional art and enjoyed the chance to see some of yours with the ramp photos. (BTW, I would have wanted to touch the shark as well. ) It's enticing to write more in response to so much of what you've written here but as there's some helpful info for you below, I'll try to keep this short. 😉

It can feel overwhelming for a person who is new to the platform to know how to succeed but after reading the comments below, you already have some fantastic advice. All I can add is to be yourself, to know that practice will pay off and that questions will lead to both answers and new people to discover. I hope that you have joy and success in your blockchain journey! 😎

We encourage everyone to explore the various posts and to leave meaningful comments on those that you wish (for example something that you enjoyed about the content or perhaps sharing a similar experience you've had). This platform thrives through interaction as it's the best way to build relationships with other Steemians while finding communities and initiatives that peak your interests.

You've Been.png

We wanted to let you know, we have given you a 25% upvote, are now following you, and are introducing you to everyone we know. You can visit our post HERE.

You can also visit our discord server The Steem Terminal is your one-stop location for learning about destinations on the Steem Blockchain & Discord. Here you will find people who are willing to answer the questions you may have as a new Steemian, documents to assist you, a place to learn and practice, and find out about the many opportunities to connect with other Steemians!


Welcome to the SteemIt Community.

Hello david-krug!! Nice blog you have here! Amazing things! And the idea of becoming a group of 10-50 people travelling from country to country simply astounding, fresh and human!!! You're going to be doing very good here in steemit, believe me.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the encouragement @Marc5 ! I'm glad you like it! So you are in Barcelona? I go there at times, but long time since last time. If you ever see me post that I'm there, hit me up! :)

A very long extensive post, and actually fun and enjoyable to read. Sometimes I do enjoy a long post, and comments, speaking of which, thanks for finding a few of my post and the comments you left. I am sometimes not great at leaving return comments, but I do try.

There is a ton of things and communities/groups to find and follow. A couple of current tags that I have been having fun with are #featheredfriday - All about pictures of birds that we capture with our own camera, The people range from the very experienced photographers to the beginning photographer to the click a picture people, (me sometimes). Those same types of people can be found in the #mountainmonday and #bouldersunday #fridaysrock, pretty much covers a lot of different photo types, and they are fun and no one takes them real serious, and I have yet to see anyone putting down anyone in those tags, so Friendly tags, yes capital F Friendly.

#wednesdaywalk - That is a great tag, people sharing their view of their backyard, neighborhood, countryside, city or town.

Well thanks again for visiting my post, I do currently enjoy taking and playing with pictures, let me know if you need help with anything, if I can I will try to help or at least point you to someone or a group that can maybe help.

Thank you so much for those suggestions and your positive words @bashadow ! Don't worry about the replies, I understand and I appreciate this one! I also highly appreciate the offer for asking for help, so big thank you!

#featheredfriday and #wednesdaywalk will be given for me to participate in and check out more.

I'll see you later!

Great you are here !
Normally the introduceyourself is the first blog so
Great to have you on Steemit! You are sort of a new Steemian now! I saw your blog just now and its nice to meet you.
Blogging, building and uplifting eachother thats what its all about on this steemit blockchain. And you could earn money too. When money is involved There are also possibilities of being hacked so always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !!
For more safety tips visit the white paper.
For quick posting use the app Partiko.
The Steemify App I use is great, it is available in the Appstore and free, go cheque it out.
Your value and input is appreciated!
Good luck with your journey and may you find what you are looking for.
Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is the key to big succes on Steemit.

You can also visit our discord server The Steem Terminal is your one-stop location for learning about destinations on the Steem Blockchain & Discord. Here you will find people who are willing to answer the questions you may have as a new Steemian, documents to assist you, a place to learn and practice, and find out about the many opportunities to connect with other Steemians!


Let me know if this was helpfull or you need more help. I am here everyday !
Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands

Big THANK YOU @brittandjosie for taking time to welcome me with so much good advice. I highly appreciate you and it was indeed helpful, I think I have upvoted and I will do so again when I have more steem power, because the power up I bought today only covers a few answers, I consider a bigger powerup as soon as possible.

And yes I did a couple of other posts first but I am still just 2-3 days old on steemit. :)

I will be careful like you say, which is why I wonder, is it safe to use Partiko as a desktop software and app, ans Steemify app, because then Partiko and steemify will have my keys too, right? Or is that decentralized in a way where no one can get the keys, or maybe i just use posting key on them? My question is open to anyone who knows to answer and if no one happens to answer here, I will ask at The Steem Terminal, thank you for letting me know about that one! And the FAQ that someone else adviced about.

Maybe I will also make my own post for my friends that I invite to join here, with the things that I find most important of what I have found in my first days. :)

Enjoy spring in Amsterdam Brittandjosie, I'm from Sweden but in Asia now, Manila in days. :) And thanks again!

Hi David,
Between my reply to you and your answer Some things changed in the steemisfere. All rewarding to the keys used here, so i would say look at the blogs by @ soyrosa and @llfarms, two great ladies who Made it clear.

After that ad also now you are welcometo joints intheSteemtermonal andask your questions there. That Will save your resource credits for upvotes and posting.

I am making a steemitworldmap so are you in Asia , Manila permanent ?
Then i Will put your flag there,

See my blog about it


Hi @brittandjosie!
Thank you, I appreciate it. To be honest I am also asking myself how I would justify putting hundreds of hours into learning all this and posting here, but I will probably slowly learn and use steemit more.

I will not be anywhere permanent but keep living a nomadic life, living about 30 days at a time in each country, so I should leave the Philippines around the end of April.

Will check your article and see what other peeps are in Manila and wherever i go. Great idea!

Welcome; @david-krug
I love the way you give information; it hooks.
So much that I read your full post.
And the others.
Follow with the varied themes.
I liked them all.
Greetings. ( I use traslator)

Thank you @mariita52! I'm glad to hear that! Enjoy Venezuela! I was thinking of going there a couple of years ago, but didn't go yet. Would love to see that animal that looks like a huge guinea pig :D

Woohoo! Thanks, David
It would be great for your Bitacora to visit Venezuela.
Pregnancy, of that plan, at any moment you will give birth.
Metaphorically speaking. :) :) :)

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

Thank you @c-squared !! I appreciate it!

I don't know how witness things works yet and with the login in and using my keys outside of and what it even means, but I'll come back to these comments in the future when I understand more . :D 3 40 in the morning now in a restaurant on my laptop. :D Should go home!


I'm wondering if you've left anything for future posts......?!?!??!?

Welcome to Steem!!

Thank you for the welcome @metametheus ! Some of these are indeed my favorite memories, but I do have more favorites (and lots of videos).

What I might be closer to using up is my time, but I will try to keep freeing some up. ;)
