Search the way to steemit. Guide for beginners

All who come to steemit eventually begin to wonder - Why my blogs no one is reading?

You can work on your post for a long time gathering information and checking every word, but in the end your work will not be noticed. It's a shame. true?

But this is the whole secret of success on stealing. The main element of this success is Perseverance.It is the ability and time to bring you the desired result. Here, as in life, not everything is easy for us. You should understand that apart from you there are thousands of equally talented bloggers who make excellent posts every day. But this should not stop you. This should motivate you. The spirit of competition is something that moves progress and it must move you towards your success.

Today I want to share a selection of the most useful tips that will help you become better:

  • You to be noticeable - you need followers. To have followers - make comments

Writing a comment is not as easy an occupation as it might seem. You should know what to write about. Therefore, you need to read what the author writes - otherwise it's better not to try. It is best to find a topic that you like and comment on the authors who make posts on this topic.

  • The quality of your content

Do not be lazy to spend time gathering reliable information. Spend time trivialities and facts. The best way is to create a personal brand - this will be your business card. Be creative - it's very appreciated.

It is important to focus on a specific topic and develop it constantly - then you will quickly have a target audience that will prefer your topic.

  • Increase the power of voice

The power of your voice affects a lot here. Mostly it shows others your serious intentions and they perceive you as a serious user - which means they become your followers. The power of voice also affects the rewards that you give to the author, and also gives you the opportunity to earn on content curating.

I really hope that my little tips will help you become big bloggers. The main thing always be persevering, do not lose your energy and be positive. Positive thoughts bring positive results.

I wish everyone good and success!


Perseverance is a big part of the equation.

I agree with you, this is the main quality

Nice post for starters! Gives a nice notion of why you shouldn't post for post.