Proof of Cyclops
Hi my name is Cyclops I come from the Island of Colossa. Hobbies include chasing Sinbad and sucking the marrow out of your bones. Here I am with a self-portrait I drew this morning on a sticky-note.
Here I am eating my self portrait. Don't judge me.
Before I ate my portrait I did scan it in.
Cyclops is a vain thing. I spent my afternoon playing with my self portrait.
So metal!
Meat Clops:
I got nothing:
Hello cyclop
Welcome to steemit cyclops. Through your posts, I hope to see the world through your eye.
Cyclops likes the little doctor man! I will eat you last.
That was epic. Cyclops eat me after doctor, please :-(
Akpan too skinny for cyclops. Will not eat.
You just let out the secret of surviving the alien 👽
Hey if you know Prometheus it would be great to get him on Steemit too. Could you ask him by any chance?
Sure we share a car pool on Fridays, I will make him a pitch
dig! do hope my frequent use of your harryhausen likeness won't land me in your stomach--and say dawg, that mask is epic.

You may well land in my stomach but it won't be for this. You flatter me, alien. Look how cute and green and little I am :)
some of those effects are so wicked cool! love it!!!
We wanted one like you :)
Welcome to the world of @steemit.
Hope you enjoy your time being here.
My helping hand is open for everyone as i need help from you too @mhshadhin.
Welcome to Steemit from Indonesia, this is an amazing platform for creativity and imagination. Share, comment and make friends
This post on cyclop brings back childhood memories, i remember always sitting glued in front of the tv screen to see the movie ''seven voyage of sinbad'' i never got tired of seeing it over n over. your work is cool, that's the exact copy of the cyclop in sinbad's voyage. thanks for sharing.
Last cyclops is my favorite!
Can you come up with a name for that one? I ran out of umph by that point.
Whats the name of the filter? Maybe wartclops...
I was using which allows you upload any image as a "style image" which the neural network will learn, then apply the style to the base image. In this case I was using this style image which I lifted from another deepdreamgenerator user and have no idea what it is called: