Let me introduce project CRYPTOBLOCKHEADS. How i make 25k a month after a journey of putting 500+ video cards online in a year. A dream that replaced my full time job.
Join my discord channel: https://discord.gg/daNdK
You can call me Chuck. This is the start of my company and group called CRYPTOBLOCKHEADS. A journey of putting 500+ video cards online and what the future holds for crypto currency mining and investments. Here you can follow me as my investments grow as i detail the processes of crypto currency mining and operations.
Why I'm here. There are 3 reasons why i'm here on steemit.
~~ My fiancé @renascence has taken up an interest in Steemit and the art community that she's involved in here. She will also be verifying my identity. She has spent the past 2 months getting involved in a nice developing art community here on Steemit. I thought it would be a great opportunity to invest in both her and as well as the community of steemit as a long term hold strategy to better distribute my portfolio and relations with the growing cryptocurrency community.
~~The launch of my new company CRYPTOBLOCKHEADS. I want to reach out and see if there is anyone that can use my knowledge of hardware and crypto to expand their portfolio and mining operations. Where we can discuss things such as thermal management, tuning, electricity, hardware, blockchain technologies and everything crypto.
~~ Lastly, I'm also here to setup being a Steemit witness down the road as i'm looking to invest in more proof of stake options.
My Identity and verification: I choose to keep my full identity private at this time. Crypto Currency is privacy tool i use to keep my identity private. If you want to call me by a name. Call me Chuck. From my inspirational hero Chuck Norris. The only man i know who can gargle peanut butter.
My journey started 5 years ago when i got a job as a custom system builder for a local computer company. When during my start as a custom system builder I ran into mining for the first time. After a long history of extensive research into computer hardware used for crypto currency mining i set out on a dream. I saw a tool that can free the money from big banks. A tool for the people ran by the people. A monetary system that can cross borders effortlessly. A technology that would revolutionize the finance and data industry. Here i finally found what inspires me. A tool for freedom and a way to a different life. How then i wish i knew how substantial of a choice i was making. My life would never be the same. Since i was younger i had a interest in computers. There is when i built my first water cooled computer at 16 and always had an interest in computers since. A decade or more later, i have come a long ways as the hardware developed over many generations of advances. Building over 1000 custom computers and 40+ miners. It all started with my friend and co worker asking me if i would like to make money with computer hardware. It all went down hill from there. Little did i know the path i would take. The blocks i would consume. The hashes i would hash. Oh thee addiction. Ohh the Kilowatts. I started off with just 2 graphics cards. A rx480 i used to mine ethereum. A year later putting over 500 video cards online for myself and my main investor, friends and family memebers. Burstcoin, Storj, Sia then followed to interest me. Which led to a half a petabyte burstcoin setup to mine one of my now favorite coins, Burstcoin.
2x 250tb Burstcoin Setup. Half petabyte total.
At this same time i started producing a few 6 gpu machines. These were the rx470's Saphire nitro+ 8gb with samsung memory. I of course modded the bios and undervolted the cards to what even stands as today as one of the most efficient mining cards available.
I quickly found much better cases to use from a very far away land. These are the cases i still use today.
Then with 140mm fans
I use mainly rx580 gamingX, gtx 1070's, Vegas 56 and now 1070ti's.
Less than a year later i ended up several racks of gpu's like these.
I now manage for myself and others.
3Gh Ethereum
250th Bitcoin cloud contract
25GH smartcash
100mh litecoin
1600gh Siacoin
2 petabytes burstcoin
180GH Bismuth
With this information i have provided i hope to extend a hand into the community to see if i can grab a hold of new players in the field to better interact and expand on mining operations and blockchain technology for present and future operations. I can train and advise small to large setups remotely and with guides if enough interest is gathered here. Below are more pictures of some builds as well as my personal rig and setup.
And some of the more than 1000 pc's i've built over a decade.
And never forget. The POWER you will need.
Leave a post so i can see who's interested in me putting more information up of some of these builds.
That is legitimately awesome :D great post and welcome to steemit! Given you a restreem which to be honest I don't do a huge amount of but it's a worthy post and maybe you will gain some interest :)
Thanks a lot. I'll be adding some more content soon
Chuck Norris was my hero.
would loved to of seen him an Van Damme fight to the death in the final ring in kickboxer 2. lol
Welcome!💖 I can verify for @cryptoblockhead :) I know him pretty well :) All that mining stuff is why the mailman probably flips us the bird every time he drops a package off haha.
Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
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All the Best!!!
Definitely the place for crypto mining information :) I put this together as jump start guide for new members hope it helps:

Welcome to Steemit!
I really enjoyed that post thanks 👍 I just followed you
Thanks i appreciate it. More to come. Just getting started here. Will be rolling out content regularly
Welcome to the community! I don't know anything about mining but would like to learn!
welcome to steemit!!! Make great contents.. Follow and grow.. :)