Our First Steemy Morning #1 - Introducciones

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)


Hello, all you Steem-grubbers.

This is the anonymous Chito and I, too, am a Steem-grubber, too, apparently. Too.

Word on the Interwebs, this Steemit thing "rewards content creators for creating 'good' content" by using, like, blockchains or Bitcoins or something vaguely Neuromancerish (Why is my Google edit underlining all these words with red squigglies?). And I figured, well, why the hell should I write things online if there's no profit to gain from it?

That would be doubleplusungood!

In all seriousness, as I delve into this brave new world of cryptocurrencies and blockchains and non-real-currency-but-like-it-does-have-value-grubbers like Charlie Shrem & Toni "The Hottest Woman in Cryptocurrency" Lane Casserley (woah. tits! here. money. have!), I'm still in the process of figuring out why I want to blog on Steemit. So far I'm working with two theories:

  1. I'm hoping to find a worthwhile platform that actually "rewards content creators for creating 'good' content" and that is not full of man-toddlers & woman-infants (*cough* Tumblr *cough cough* Medium *COUGH COUGH COUGH*).
  2. I'm greedy. I want that money Steem, because, let's face it, would I even be here if it weren't for the Ponzi-style promises of BIG dollars aaaaand being my own BOSS? Would you be here?

THINKING OUT LOUD: Yet, while the Steem-rewards idea sounds groovy, a big part of me worries about what effect it'll have on the spirit of my writing (oh, that's right: I'm a writer. It's one of my, how you say... charms). What I've gathered from this site so far is that to be successful you either have to A) Already be successful, or B) Write about being successful. There does exist your somewhat sub-successful sub-genres (i.e. Coffee blogs, How-To-Do-Basic-Things listicles, "Cryptocurrency is not a scam!" discussions, etc. etc.), but fuck... How mind-numbingly fun those are to never read.

But, whatever, we craft our own niches, hope the "free market" obliges our niche with some sort of moola-related validation. When it doesn't, we move on. When it does, we stay.

Obviously, I'm hoping to land in this latter department of "staying" here on Steemit (as we all are). What will my "niche" be? Who knows. I like to read. Play video-games. Create art. Workout. Breathe oxygen... Perhaps there's a few insightful long-form articles on these topics brewing in my head that might catch your attention. We'll see.

As far as these Steemy Mornings go, I'm just here to give my thoughts an open mic before starting another scary day in the real world. To be honest, these are more for me than for you--but you're all welcome to partake.

So, there you go. You've practically learned nothing about me in this "Introduction" piece, but if you stay tuned to my morning ramblings and if my writing doesn't completely turn to shit, then you may get to know me very, very, absurdly well.



[P.S. I called myself the "anonymous Chito" in the introduction of this introduction piece. That was irresponsible of me: In no way or shapeless form am I at all associated with the Anonymous hackers group.]