Resisting Statism for fun and profit: A brief Introduction

Hello Folks! I'm Cato the Elder, your friendly neighborhood Anarcho-capitalist. Currently I am based out of Southern California, which means that my tax situation is fucked. But that’s beside the point.
Image of Cato

I’ve started this blog to show you why government is an inherently immoral concept, what can be done to oppose it, and why the shrinkage and eventual abolition of the state will be a great societal good. There is so much evil and oppression at work in the world today. At its best, statism wastes society’s resources on useless bureaucracy and hampers progress with red tape and regulation. At its worst, statism becomes the tool by which the most horrible people among us gain the power to murder, rape, and pillage as they please. In all of human history more people have been murdered by their own government then have died in combat, in all the wars that have ever been fought (War being another thing we can thank the state for).

It may seem like the governments of the world wield insurmountable power, but there are little things we can all do to circumvent their restrictions and ultimately undermine their authority. I am blessed to live in a country where (At least for the moment) freedom of expression is protected. But for those of us unlucky enough to live in a place like Germany, with quasi-fascist speech codes put in place in the name of anti-fascism, the internet provides the perfect means to bypass censorship. That is why I am so supportive of sites like this, which allow everyone to freely, and if they wish anonymously, express any opinions they please.

If you have any questions or criticisms, or if you’d like to suggest a topic for my next post, please comment below. I’m always open to a lively free exchange of ideas. In the meantime, keep fighting the good fight!


What song do you love to dance to?

The superior man is satisfied and composed; the mean man is always full of distress.

Welcome aboard! There is a vibrant and growing Ancap community here. You can usually catch their posts in #anarchy and follow them or this is a good article by @kennyskitchen if you want to jump start who you are following adn have them appear on your home feed:

Thanks! I'll be sure to check it out.