Hello Steemit.Casual gamer considering going pro
Hello everyone,my name is Dan.
I enjoyed playing games since I know myself.And I got excited when I heard you can actually live off playing games.But it also comes with sacrificies so I still think about it to this day.
1) My favourite game where I found a bit of succes- Counter Strike:Global Offensive
So I started to play this game since I was 14.At first I didn't know that there are a lot of people also playing this game.The game is around 13 euro and I got it from a friend who gifted it to me.I usually don't play games alone so I got another frined of mine involved.We started to play the game every single day,almost reaching the highest rank available.The game was really enjoyable,and I have almost 1500 hours on it.I will tell you next why I said ''was'',

2) Cheaters
As the game exploded into e-sports,more and more hackers started to come into the game.It is now a really frustating experience to be honest.When you play,you get matched against opponents of the same skill.That wasn't a big deal before as we were winning most games.But as of now it is hard to play with legit people.When you report someone,you get a ingame notice if the player was banned.i got a lot of them.I am losing interest to play untill a solution is found.
3) My tournaments.

So the big tournament and actually the first one that I know off would start in february 14 2016 in the center of my town.I was very excited to hear about it and I couldn't wait to go to the event.The problem was that I didn't have a team yet.It was only me and my two friends.So after talking to some people I found another 2 players.They were not extremly good,maybe one of them,but we didn't have any other options.So we started to train every day,trying to play at least one match.We were unbeatable,we won like 10 games in a row.
So the tournament would come in the next day.We we're ready at 12:00 pm only to find out we would play at 18:00 pm.So we just waited there.
The first match:
Everything was ready.We just had to ''install'' our setup such as mouses and stuff.After 30 minutes we jumped into the match.It didn't start so well,with the opponents taking the first rounds.But we didn't give up.I was the one leading the team,the role being called ''in-game leader''.I had problems with my setup so I played with default options.I wasn't really comfortable,but I managed to put in the best performance.After some round,we just started to dominate them.We ended up the game with a big round difference.Our opponents we're really mad for losing.We shaked hands and everything was ok.We actually got some fans(around 2 but it was a special feeling,the admind of the tournament rooting for us).
Next match:
The tournament was really big with 26 teams and it was poorly managed so we had to play next week.
So we went into the match and we got destroyed the first rounds.Our hopes were down.And after that something happened,we got our confidence back and everybody started to play at his best.So we beat them after a rough start.We all were so happy.
The defeat:
Our next match was against actual professional players.We started ok but after that we got destroyed and we couldn't do anything.The coach from the other team was looking at our pc's since we had them back to back.They knew everytime from where we played so we couldn't do anything.We didn't feel really bad because we reached 4-8th place.For the first tournament we felt like it was a big achievement.
4) Present.
Right now,we disbanded,because we either stopped playing the game or other players left the team.I still play with my friend.We both want to feel the same emotion again.So to this day we are still looking for a team,and maybe become of the best in our country,something that doesn't seem impossible,but it will require a lot of hard work.We also played against players that are a lot better than us and we were able to hold them off.
Thank you for taking the time to read!! :)
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