Hi Steemit! It's C8it. I want to... Cate it. Get it? Haha-
C8it. Cate it.
Hello my fellow Steem-er(s)(?). Steem-it-er(s)(?).
My fellow people?
Ah – feel free to tell me how I should address you guys.
So! Hi. As part of the induction ritual as per the steps listed in the ‘quick start guide’, I shall introduce myself and give you an overall idea of who I am and what I’m trying to achieve!
Sound good? Great.
First off - that picture above is me.
Secondly, my name is Cate. Relates to my profile name, doesn’t it? C8? Ceight? Hah-
Anyways. A pleasure to meet you. I’m 19 years old, from Australia, and currently a first-year university student.
My degree is in Design with a double major in Graphic Design and Digital Technologies (A.k.a web design), but that really isn’t the main focus of the content which I’ll be putting out.

In fact, I’m a huge fan of habits, finance, cryptocurrencies, language learning, and reading. Out of the five I’ll probably only talk about four, although they can be swapped in and out of posts quite frequently.
To go a little further in depth in regards to these topics, when I talk about finance, I’m talking about the idea of FI;RE – Financial Independence, Retire Early, with ways to achieve that, how my progress is going, as well as my slowly growing excel sheet.
Exciting stuff.
With language learning I’m talking about my journey in learning Korean. Because of Korean I’ve built up a habit that has been going on every day since the start of 2016!

...Except when does it really help if you don’t pair it with studying grammar, listening, and actually using the language?
Through Steemit I want to participate in an active community, learn multiple skills (whether it be marketing, SEO, copywriting, blockchain technology, etc), put out creative work, as well as QUALITY pieces, and be happy along the way.
I think there’s a huge possibility for that to happen on this platform.
My Focus
My intentions revolve around my habit of reading ten pages of a good book a day. I want to create an online public journal which reflects my thoughts on certain quotes and topics which I find interesting. Not only that but since I’m learning Korean, which seems to be the second most used language on this platform, I thought I could translate my posts to and fro as practice.
What a way to reach a second audience, eh?
For my personal taste in books, my favourite books are non-fiction. As a young child I used to be REALLY into fiction, however, once depression and anxiety hit at a ripe age of 10, I was quick to lose that passion and focus. But that can be a story for another day.
Self-help books, really, were one of the reasons why I was able to pick myself up the year before I really needed to hit the ground running in high school. It’s the main genre for my to-read list.
Most books, regardless of type, typically have the same meaning and values behind them, so what’s the point? Why pour through hours of reading a book which overall has the same message as others? Aren’t I wasting my time?
I do not think so. I find it interesting the way that one expresses their thoughts and ideas. Just like teaching and anything else, it’s not a one size fits all situation.
Different analogies for different people.
What words can we use to express an idea which will cement in a person’s brain?

An Ending
So, please, amuse yourself with the ramblings of a 19 year old as she reads a minimum of ten pages of a book a day, as well as just spouts what comes to mind.
I think… I may have overdone it. Hopefully you aren’t bored!
For those who have made it down to the bottom – I look forward to talking to you, reading your content, and putting out my own.
To the first of many posts,
Hi Cate welcome to steemit glad to know that you are young yet you are into cryptocurrency already. =)
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Honestly, I find that a lot of my friends are into cryptocurrency right now, so it's not too big of a deal, haha.
I took a look at your blog - your kittens are absolutely adorable!
Really impressive intro C8it!
Welcome and good luck ;)
Many thanks @andhovesyan! Glad to be here. Good luck to you too (if needed(?))! haha.
Great post C8it! Welcome to the Steemit community she who looks coincidentally a lot like me.
Definitely something suspicious going on here! Welcome to you too, newcomer!
That is a very healthy habit that will serve you well in the long run. I listen to audiobooks on my way to work and back home. It's good to have you here and on the AUS/NZ server.
Here is something to get you started on Steemit SEO: 10 Tips That Will Take Your Posts To The Next Level
I'd like to think so too! And i'm going to continue to add to my list of habits. I would try audiobooks, but I also like podcasts, so it's a bit of a trade-off! And many thanks for the warm welcome both on here and the discord server.
Many thanks for the link too! I'm actually interested in SEO in general, so it's nice to have something specific to steemit.
Hi @c8it, welcome to Steemit. Thanks for your detailed self-intro. I am here to support a newcomer with a little upvote. Hope you will enjoy your time here!
Thanks for the reply and support @culgin! I've taken a look at your blog and I can say that i'm interested in cybersecurity and programming. I also went to singapore last year! lovely country. Definitely going to keep a look out on your blog :).
Cate, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and self-help books and posts and videos are great. I've done graphic and web design. I've yet to come to Australia. I was in Vietnam. I'm from Oregon.
Nice to meet you Oatmeal Joey!
What did you use to do with graphic design? Also, I checked out your twitter and facebook pages! I used to play the trombone back in highschool. Do you mainly post about music or?
One art program I like is Ink Scape. I like to post about music sometimes and I can post about history, education, entertainment, about the news, about my life, about the world, videos, photos, posts, GIFs, memes.
I've never really used Inkscape before, although i've heard of it! Ah so a jack of all trades? I thought there would be a problem with having a blog that's a little bit of everything...
Having a blog about everything could be a problem if you are not able to balance and navigate through when to post what and that can confuse your audience as you are probably going to have a few different target audiences and they can be turned off by that if they are annoyed with like wanting to hear about food but then find too many posts about like politics or something apart from what they want to read and watch and stuff. So, what do I do? I have not totally decided yet if I can balance it or not. I am 32 and have been all over in life in what I write and in the videos I have made and the photos and everything and I am still contemplating what kind of public persona I want or not want or whatever. I tend to go back to calling myself Oatmeal Joey. I tend to go back to trying to make people laugh and stuff in what I do in life. I tend to go back to trying to encourage people and stuff more than whatever else I may do in life.
Wow - thanks for the lengthy response! I suppose if you do have a base /idea/ or /rule/ you could just go from there. As if to say, if you don't like this one thing about my blog, then there's no reason as to why you're following me - but if it were to be any other reason to dislike it, it's just how you operate as a blog where first and foremost you cater to that rule, as well as making yourself happy.
I think it's good that you encourage people! Definitely need more of that around.
Agreed. Like that famous song, what love got to do with it? And what difference does it make? It makes all the difference to encourage and to come down to the level of wherever people are.
Welcome to steemit @c8it enjoy the platform
Welcome to steemit c8it I wish you success and a fun time here.
Welcome 🖖
We are very glad to have you. I will follow you and you have to follow me too.