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RE: I Love animails !!!

Great but i think you are Simone and not a dog , and i think you dont know but the introduce yourself tag is about you when you enter the platform. I guess you didn’t know so maybe edit the blog and tell us about yourself. If you need help there is a help discord called steemterminal let me know if you want an invite


Good morning @brittandjosie! Sorry but only today I managed to understand what you said here. I'm new to the platform and I didn't know how, and I need help to be able to behave properly on this platform that I loved! Do you think it is valid that I do now, a post talking about me, even having already made other posts? Thank you very much, your attention to me, I found it incredible how people help each other on this platform!
I want to participate in help discord called steemterminal . Thank you!