
In all due respect , then you should make that absolutely clear on your intro Post. Steemit is a decentralized uncensorable Platform. It's advantageous and bodes well to people here to be totally Transparent .

Otherwise you're leading people to think this is the actual , official BLM organization making it's debut when it is not

That being said, I know the Steemit audience would love to hear how you came became involved as a member of BLM, what you have done within the Organization yourself , and when are you going to bring in some of the people over here from BLM ??

We look forward to that. Maybe , you could get with your Leaders and powers to be at BLM and this could actually be the official page for you guys.

Who are some of the BLM members that could spur this on ???

Anyway, look forward to this and learning more about BLM and what you want to bring to the table here with your Organization !