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RE: My Name Is Jeremy Corbyn, And I'm NO Racist

Your candid honesty is so refreshing; your frustrations, so familiar.

While communism appears to be a viable solution, it is no more successful the the evil rich enricher known as democracy. It has never succeeded, and it never will. It's not the model that's the problem, it's people. The model opens itself to abuse. Once you give people that doorway to walk through, the paint would not even have dried before they'd be storming through it. Communism is doomed to fail because of human nature.

But take heart. There is a new way, a better way. It will certainly take a few decades to realise, but technology has now brought us to the point where theoretically it is possible to govern by a fair system of mutual consensus through blockchains.

Something like this: used over a blockchain. Everyone gets an equal say and the ultimate action is determined by a completely unbiased and immutable smart contract. It can't lie, cheat, steal, abuse or follow any alternative agenda.

It doesn't have a name yet, I'm still thinking of one, but it's not my invention, just my discovery of a natural progression. It IS coming. I'm a futurist, it's my job to foresee these things.


I tend towards the view that the rate of acceleration on this feedback loop will envelop us in a technocortical layer, one that will shape US into the tool IT needs, long before that. We'll exist in the palm of the supercomputer, so to speak.

The system wouldn't work without us. The more of us that participate, the better it would work. So yes, I think you're right: ultimately it will draw almost all of us in.

Indeed we do. It's naive and wishful thinking to imagine otherwise. Go outside and lie on the earth and ask for insight on a universal level. You will hear about our petty, human arrogance, our technological genius, and the ways in which the earth hopes to survive it when we don't - when the feedback loop closes upon humanity like a vice or the jaws of a giant, justice-driven beast because of our lack of actual, sensory, FEELING intelligence.

Not that the earth minds, on a grander level, whether she survives the coming human cataclysm or not. For she knows that in the scheme of things, LIFE will go on; and she knows better than anyone that we know not what we do. The earth knows that we are lost and she finds us faultless even as she holds us accountable. We are her children, lost souls, adrift upon the endless sea of our own ineptitude and corruption. And she will enfold us back into her arms with compassion but without mercy, recycling every atom as she does with all and everything else.

We were innocent and we never stood a chance. But we must live every day of our exile from Life for what else is there to do? We made our own hell and now those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear must live in it - and live like there's no tomorrow - until the day we die into sweet release.

Deep. It's a spiritual perspective, but unlike most spiritual perspectives, yours is right.