Call to the Whales: How long will you keep pumping the IntroduceYourself posts?

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

Hi there,

Image of Yaktocat

I understand to boost up the platform and get some people in, the whales/legends ( ) are pumping up the intro-posts.
But isn't it getting a bit out of hand now?
The whole platform is cluttering with introduce me posts.
I can't really see anything interesting anymore.

Please make some clear post on how the platform works. So the people understand that the introposts are being pumped by the creators and initiators of the platform.
Otherwise people get a wrong impression of Steemit and people only come here for a intro-pump. And get disappointed that all the future posts will generate not more that 0.1cents.

Share us your plan! So we know whats your idea behind pumping the intro's.


Personally I think the introduceyourself tag, since its inception, has been the greatest driver of new users here. So long as the post is legitimate, it can give a new user a head start, give them more Steem Power, and give them some Steem Dollars too which they can then learn how to use.

I'm below whale-status, but generally I try to upvote introduceyourself posts if I can tell they will be a valuable contributor. I'll read or at least skim their post and see what kind of person they are and if they are bringing themselves here. If they post an image of themselves I'll google reverse image search it (browser plugin makes this easy). I'll check their post history and see if they've made other posts or commented on other posts.

I think #introduceyourself posts are good for this site, all the Steemit-fluffing circlejerk posts on the other hand... (I am guilty of these in the past too, but trying not to post anything Steemit related unless it's important).

Fingers crossed :)

First, let's be objective: if you look at the top trending posts, they are not all #introduceyourself. Right now about half are actually from other categories, and some posts from #introduceyourself are the posts of people discussing about verification, and not actually introducing themselves. Some posters have an almost uninterrupted flow of great posts that get a high payout. After if you start looking at 2-digit payouts, there is a looooooooooooooong trail of posts that cover many subjects.

So it's not true if you look at the complete distribution of votes that in average introduction post are receiving more love. Most of the payouts are going to actual content. The reason why introduction posts are more frequent in the 3-digit payout range is a simple matter of probabilities. Whales do not coordinate. Every active whale is going around and voting stuff she likes in all of the categories she is interested in. It just so happens that, very logically, every whale is interested in the growth ot Steemit and the acquisition of new users, and therefore including #introduceyourself and #steem in their daily curating routine. In that situation, probabilities implies that posts from these categories and other categories some whales may have in common like #travel and #photo will seem to receive more love. But in fact whales are actively voting everywhere. 2-digit payouts involve at least a couple of whales.

Now the question is: how long will this last. Well there are two answers. First, because the network is minting money at a very fast pace, whales are getting diluted at a steady pace, so their relative influence on the voting process is already in the process of reducing and by the time the platform goes out of beta, many whales will probably have sold a part of their holdings and the diluation will have reached a level where whales won't be as predominant as they are now. In a shorter term, what's going to happen is that word of mouth and network effect are going to take over economic incentives as the main growth driver, which means that the number of new users is going to go through the roof to the point of being impossible to keep track of, and it will get less and less responsive to incentives. Naturally, observing that, whales have no reason to keep wasting time scouring the #introduceyourself category, and will diversify further their routine.

I understand your story.
But you can see that people are starting to make fun about the whole thing:

Whales are pumping things and are in control of the cultural-image of the platform. They get less control, but it will take a REALLY long time before "normal" people reach the super saiyan level.
So untill that time, they create the image of the platform (probably for ever).
Well see!

Actually you are incorrect. I came into this site with zero Steem, no Dollar investment, no friends, nothing. Zero. Zilch.
I posted 2 times day, one in morning, one at night for 4 weeks in a row. I'm now on the richlist.
While i am not a whale, I certainly am a fatty dolpin. it can be done. But you need to put forth tremendous effort. I'm a writer anyway, I've been a writer, artist and YouTuber for like 10 years, so it was a no brainer for me. You can do the same. It is your choice.

thats some good news!

I would just relax. The whales have tons more to loose than us, so we can trust them doing what is best for our stake. On the other hand it is vital for them to know what we users think, so I agree with you to that degree

I trust them in the sense that they want to make it a succes. But I have the feeling that the curating is quite random. I just hope they dont mess it up. Im not sure they have a plan for the type of people they want to atrract/target audience.

humans are random. curating is from humans. curating is random.

most of "whales" didn't read post, they check the value and if it's big they'll put a like.
More value --> more SP easy --> Less waste of "vote power".

Haha sort of.

i am a dolphin and I don't really upvote too much in introduceyourself. I tend to find obscure and fascinating posts....

would be cool if we could see the things people vote on.
so you dont only follow someone for his posts.
but also for the stuff the person votes.

I read a couple of them and then stopped. It is indeed not very interesting. It is also true that given the trend, good posts about anything are harder to find.

Let's see how it unfolds.