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RE: My Formal Introduction To Steemit Community

Hi Andrew. Thanks. It seemed to make sense when I wrote it but it was getting pretty late; so nice to learn that it resonated with someone.

I'm not familiar with Ken Wilber, but is it something like a Gaia hypothesis, where some sort of collective spirit guides for the good of the planet?

There are so many ways to provide an over-arching story that ties together what we see: gods, aliens, spirits. I think that those stories are there because, just as nature abhors a vacuum, the human mind abhors a lack of purpose. We are desperate to tie the strings together in neat, elegant bows.

When I was in my teens, I sometimes thought how wonderful it would be to have the surety that belief brings. The Hari Krishnas always look so happy banging their drums and dancing down the street; evangelicals take enormous comfort, even in hard times, that things are as they are for the best of reasons. I never could bring myself to believe wholeheartedly in anything, though.

I believe in what is measurable. I acknowledge that there are plenty of things we can't explain yet, but if it's a choice between saying, "I don't know" and "something mysterious and invisible did it", I go with the first choice every time.